Herbicides for protecting corn and soybean yields in 2013
Weed resistance in corn and soybean fields is driving a renewed interest in a wide variety of crop protection products. And companies are responding. They have produced an arsenal of herbicides that feature multiple modes of action, new manufacturing processes, and improved formulations of older products. These products offer growers many options for protecting the yield potential of their corn and soybean fields. Here’s a look at what’s new.
Dow AgroSciences
The first wave of Enlist Weed Control System products will hit the market this year starting in corn, pending regulatory approvals. Approvals for soybeans are anticipated in time for the 2015 crop year.
The Enlist system is a new herbicide-tolerant trait system that has three components: Enlist traits, Enlist Duo herbicide with Colex-D Technology, and Enlist Ahead. Enlist Duo herbicide is a proprietary blend of new 2,4-D choline and glyphosate that provides broad-spectrum control with two modes of action for resistant and tough weeds. It will feature the new Colex-D Technology, which combines new 2,4-D choline, the latest formulation science, and a proprietary manufacturing process that provides ultra-low volatility, minimized potential for drift, lower odor and improved handling characteristics.
Enlist Ahead is Dow AgroSciences’ management resource designed to assist growers and applicators using the Enlist system, including access to technology advancements, education and training, and management recommendations.
In addition, Dow AgroSciences anticipates registration of four new corn herbicide brands for the 2013 crop season. FulTime NXT, Keystone NXT, Keystone LA NXT and Surpass NXT are premixes of acetochlor and atrazine which offer outstanding mixing and handling characteristics that build upon proven weed control solutions retailers and growers have been using to battle resistance and hard-to-control grasses and broadleaf weeds.
These enhanced options aid growers in the management of herbicide resistance by controlling such weeds as foxtail, barnyardgrass, fall panicum, lambsquarters, nightshade, pigweed and waterhemp.
Lexar EZ and Lumax EZ both offer pre- and post-emergence weed control in corn (from 14 days preplant up to 12 in.), and can be applied at a full rate, in a split application, in a two-pass program or tank mixed with a Touchdown brand. The products are based on the same patented capsule-suspension formulation technology as Halex GT herbicide, and are designed to minimize the effects of overwintering and maximize compatibility with many nitrogen fertilizers and other tank-mix partners.
Lexar EZ and Lumax EZ provide three modes of action and offer excellent crop safety for pre and post applications. The two products also have longer-lasting residual control of more broadleaf weeds, and they control weeds like barnyardgrass, foxtails, Palmer amaranth and waterhemp.
Armezon is a post-emerge herbicide for corn that controls grasses and broadleaf weeds such as common lambsquarters, waterhemp, giant foxtail and crabgrass – including those with resistance to glyphosate, triazines, PPOs and ALS inhibitors.
BASF is also expecting registration of Zidua herbicide for use in soybeans this year. It is the only solo pyroxasulfone product on the market, and has a wide application window from fall through early preplant to early post-emergence. This provides adaptability to a wide range of weed control needs and allows for precise placement for the most effective weed control. Zidua herbicide can also be applied at a range of use rates, allowing growers to select the best rate for their specific needs, based on soil texture in their fields.
Engenia is a post-emergence soybean herbicide using an advanced dicamba formulation that will provide an additional site of action for control of broadleaf weeds in dicamba-tolerant crops. BASF anticipates the commercial launch of Engenia herbicide in the U.S. in 2014. Once registered, growers will be able to use Engenia herbicide as part of the dicamba-tolerant cropping system currently in development.
Anthem herbicide can be used as a preplant, preemergence and early postemergence herbicide for control of grasses and broadleaf weeds such as waterhemp in corn. It provides broad-spectrum weed control with excellent residual. It is currently labeled for used on sweet, pop and seed corn. FMC anticipates registration in soybeans this year.
Anthem ATZ herbicide is for use in corn only, and contains the same active ingredients in Anthem plus atrazine. It can be used as a preplant, preemergence and early postemergence herbicide.
Marvel herbicide is a postemergence herbicide in soybeans, and is a contact herbicide to control tough weeds such as Palmer pigweed and waterhemp. FMC is anticipating registration in the first quarter of 2013.
MANA Crop Protection
MANA Crop Protection has unveiled its KlearSky Technology brand, which is the company’s new standard in formulation technology over conventional active ingredients. KlearSky brands have reduced impact on the environment. It has created a better user experience through lower odor and less personal protective equipment requirements.
Torment herbicide is designed for use where grass and broadleaf resistance issues related to glyphosate and HPPD/triazine inhibitor chemistry are present. Torment complements a planned glyphosate or glufosinate post-sequential weed control program. It controls a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds, and can be applied pre- and early post-emergence with 45 days of residual activity. MANA anticipates EPA approval prior to the 2013 season.
For 2013, Warrant herbicide is now labeled for pre-emergence use in cotton and soybeans. The expanded label will help producers manage small seeded grasses and broadleaf weeds, as well as tough-to-control weeds like Palmer amaranth and tall waterhemp in either a pre- or post-emergence application. It can be tank mixed with Roundup brand agricultural herbicides and applied to cotton and soybean products that include Roundup Ready technology. The encapsulation technology helps provide improved crop safety and up to 30 days of residual weed control.
Monsanto is also developing formulations to be used as part of the dicamba-tolerant cropping system, called Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System. Pending regulatory approval, Monsanto plans to offer a premix of glyphosate and dicamba – called Roundup Xtend – and a straight goods formulation, XtendiMax. In addition, both product labels will carry application and equipment requirements to help minimize off-target drift near sensitive crops. Both products (pending regulatory approval) will be able to be used before, during and after planting, with no plantback restrictions.
Instigate herbicide is for corn growers in the northern and eastern Corn Belt. Instigate provides burndown plus residual weed control of hard-to-control broadleaf and grass weeds across a wide application window. Instigate includes multiple active ingredients, including a unique dry formulation of mesotrione, and is formulated to add efficacy and deliver improved results when tank-mixed with full or reduced rates of most basic preemergence corn herbicide programs, including glyphosate, paraquat, atrazine and atrazine-containing products.
LeadOff is for use in corn, soybeans and cotton in Southern and Delta states. LeadOff has contact plus residual weed-control capabilities, and it offers growers control of hard-to-manage weeds from early preplant through preemergence application timing. It controls weeds including marestail, annual bluegrass, henbit and other winter annuals. It may be used 30 days prior to planting in fields that will be planted to soybeans or cotton. It also can be used as a preplant through preemergence application in corn.
Valent expects Fierce herbicide to be registered for soybeans for the 2013 growing season. Introduced for the corn market in 2012, Fierce is a combination of Valor herbicide and pyroxasulfone, which in trials provided as much as two weeks longer residual control over other herbicides. It provides preemergence and residual control for weeds including Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, common lambsquarters, velvetleaf, dandelion, marestail, annual nightshades, pigweed species plus annual grasses—including glyphosate-, ALS- and triazine-resistant varieties, as well as other tough weeds and grasses.