New pesticide advice to stop decline in birdlife
Farmers are being offered new advice on pesticide use to help reverse the decline in important native bird species across Britain.
Birds such as the yellowhammer, corn bunting, grey partridge and the skylark all depend on arable farmland for food and habitat but their numbers are dwindling.
The new advice, published by The Voluntary Initiative (VI), will help farmers and their advisors manage farmland and pesticide use to minimise their impact on birdlife – one of the Government’s sustainable development indicators.
Jim Densham, from the RSPB and chairman of the VI biodiversity sub-group, said: “The new advice explains how farmland birds can be indirectly affected by pesticides and recommends four steps farmers can take to help reverse the decline of these important native bird species
"Farmers need to ensure they follow integrated farm management practices, use pesticides responsibly, provide field margin habitats as well as in-field food and habitat options.”
Dr Andrea Graham, the NFU’s Countryside Adviser, said: “This is helpful practical advice on the creation and maintenance of important wildlife habitats on farm and complements the key messages being promoted by the Campaign for the Farmed Environment.”