Multinational BASF pre-launched the biological nematicide Votivo Prime during the fourth edition of EnBio, the National Meeting on Extensive Crop Production with Biologicals and Sustainable Strategies. The event took place in the Argentine province of Entre Ríos, with special coverage by AgroPages.
Votivo Prime contains Bacillus firmus strain I-1582, and is registered for use across all crops against major nematode pests: soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines); root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola); root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne javanica); lesion nematode (Pratylenchus brachyurus); and reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis).
According to the manufacturer, the launch of Votivo Prime in Argentina "emphasizes the importance of professional seed treatment and its main benefits." This biological contact nematicide, BASF states, provides "nematode tolerance in wheat, barley, and soybeans, and is expected to be launched in the market by mid-2026."
"At BASF, we work to ensure that each seed becomes a plant in the most efficient way possible. Every seed is a plant, and both recent additions to our agricultural solutions portfolio and upcoming launches continue to focus on this idea," says Sebastián Lareu, Crop Manager for Seed Treatment at BASF's Agricultural Solutions division.
Focus on Seed Treatment
BASF focused its participation at EnBio 2025 on emphasizing professional seed treatment, which it qualifies as a "fundamental step for efficient production." "By applying biological and chemical products, producers not only enhance their crops from sowing, promoting healthy and sustainable growth but also when the grain is of quality, the root has more nodules and consumes less Nitrogen from the soil, thus extending its useful life," argues the multinational.
In this regard, BASF presented during the event a "broad portfolio of resources aimed at providing a customized solution for seed treatment, based on innovative products, cutting-edge technologies, and professional service provided by a team that supports producers."
Besides Votivo Prime, at this fourth edition of EnBio, BASF also highlighted its recent launch HiCoat® Dry, the first premium, long-lasting, and highly concentrated inoculant in solid format. It's a product 100% made in Argentina, specifically at BASF's plant in Santo Tomé, and is formulated from bacteria with nodulating activity that present symbiotic interaction with the crop, favoring atmospheric nitrogen uptake.
Along with polymers, seed therapeutics, and new biological launches for 2026, HiCoat® Dry is consolidating as one of the most prominent figures in BASF's line of inoculants for professional and field treatment, with its clear capacity to fix the nitrogen that crops need for protein formation, nucleic acids, and other important cellular components for crop metabolism.
"At BASF, we work focusing on our sustainability pillars, thinking about innovative solutions that bring benefits to producers and society. That's why today one of our new products was launched for the most planted crop in Argentina; Soybeans are one of the crops with the highest nitrogen demand due to their high protein and oil production. Approximately 80 kilograms of nitrogen are needed to produce one ton of soybeans," says Sebastián Lareu.
Regarding HiCoat® Dry, Lareu said that the launch "joins the line of inoculants for professional treatment, with its clear nitrogen fixation capacity. Additionally, it will revolutionize inoculant application, with significant improvements in product shelf life and facilities for proper management by applicators and producers. The solid format also allows better handling for users, less waste, longer shelf life and pre-inoculation days, and increased working capacity of plants."
(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)
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