The US/EPA recently approved a label expansion for Adastrio® fungicide to now include soybeans as a labeled crop.
With this label expansion, growers who applied Adastrio fungicide to corn fields in the previous season can now plant soybeans the following season without observing the 12-month plant-back interval that was previously required. This update provides growers with expanded rotation options and greater flexibility in their crop planning. The label expansion also ensures growers have year after year access to the premier foliar fungicide for both corn and soybean usage.
Adastrio fungicide combines three robust modes of action – fluindapyr (Group 7), flutriafol (Group 3) and azoxystrobin (Group 11). This combination of active ingredients delivers broad-spectrum foliar disease protection with long-lasting residual control and a low use rate. Its high level of protection helps growers defend against late-season disease threats to achieve higher yield results and maximize their overall crop management ROI. Adastrio fungicide is effective against a range of key soybean foliar diseases, including frogeye leaf spot, septoria brown spot, cercospora leaf blight, anthracnose, target spot, powdery mildew and white mold.
As the FMC foliar fungicide portfolio continues to evolve and grow, Adastrio fungicide has proven to be one of the leading corn foliar fungicides available to U.S. growers. The portfolio also features other top-performing fungicide solutions: Xyway® brand fungicides for corn and Lucento® fungicide for soybeans.
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