Re-evaluation decision for foramsulfuron and its associated end-use products
Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, all registered pesticides must be re-evaluated by Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to ensure that they meet current health and environmental standards and have value. The re-evaluation considers data and information from pesticide manufacturers, published scientific reports and other regulatory agencies, as well as comments received during public consultations. Health Canada applies internationally accepted risk assessment methods as well as current risk management approaches and policies.
Foramsulfuron is a selective sulfonylurea herbicide used to control post-emergence broadleaf weeds in field corn (Eastern Canada and Manitoba) and lowbush blueberry (Eastern Canada only) sites. It is applied once per season by field sprayer and may be applied with tank-mix to enhance weed control efficacy. Currently registered products containing foramsulfuron can be found in the Pesticide Product Information Database and in Appendix I. The Proposed Re-evaluation Decision PRVD2024-041 containing the evaluation of foramsulfuron and proposed decision, underwent a 90 day consultation period ending on 26 June 2024. PRVD2024-04 proposed continued registration of all uses of foramsulfuron and associated end-use products registered for sale and use in Canada, provided that label amendments (risk mitigation measures and label updates to meet current standards) are implemented. The proposed label amendments included updates to personal protective equipment for mixers, loaders and applicators, standard restricted-entry intervals, and updated spray buffer zones.
Health Canada received two comments during the public consultation period from a member of the public. These comments indicated that pesticides, in general, harm human health and/or the environment. These comments did not result in revisions to the human health, environmental risk, or value assessments, and did not result in changes to the proposed re-evaluation decision as described in PRVD2024-04.
A reference list of information used as the basis for the proposed re-evaluation decision is included in PRVD2024-04; no further information was used in the final re-evaluation decision. Therefore, the complete reference list of all information used in this final re-evaluation decision is set out in PRVD2024-04.
This document (Re-evaluation Decision RVD2025-01, Foramsulfuron and Its Associated End-use Products) presents the final re-evaluation decision2 for the re-evaluation of foramsulfuron, including the required label amendments (risk mitigation measures) to protect human health and the environment. All products containing foramsulfuron that are registered in Canada are subject to this re-evaluation decision.
Re-evaluation decision for foramsulfuron
Health Canada has completed the re-evaluation of foramsulfuron. Under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, Health Canada has completed all required evaluations and consultations and has determined that the registration of products containing foramsulfuron is required to be amended, in accordance with paragraph 21(2)(a) of the Pest Control Products Act. An evaluation of available scientific information related to health and environmental risks and value of foramsulfuron found that all uses of foramsulfuron products meet current standards for protection of human health and the environment and have acceptable value when used according to the conditions of registration, which includes new label amendments. Label amendments, summarized below and listed in Appendix II of RVD2025-01, are required.
Risk mitigation measures
Registered pesticide product labels include specific directions for use. Directions include risk mitigation measures to protect human health and the environment and must be followed by law. The required amendments, including any revised/updated label statements and/or mitigation measures, as a result of the re-evaluation of foramsulfuron, are summarized below. Refer to Appendix II of RVD2025-01 for details.
Human Health
Label improvements required to meet current standards:
Updates to personal protective equipment (PPE) label statements as per current labeling standards.
Risk mitigation:
To protect workers and those entering treated areas from occupational exposure, the following risk-reduction measures are required for continued registration of foramsulfuron in Canada:
A standard restricted-entry interval (REI) of 12 hours to protect workers entering treated areas.
Risk mitigation:
To protect the environment, the following risk-reduction measures are required:
Precautionary statements to inform users of the toxicity of foramsulfuron to aquatic organisms and terrestrial plants.
Updated spray buffer zones for the protection of non-target habitats.
Implementation of the re-evaluation decision
Regulatory Directive DIR2018-01, Policy on Cancellations and Amendments Following Re-evaluation and Special Review, provides information and general timelines regarding the implementation of post-market decisions, (for example, up to 24-month timeline for label amendments and up to 36-month phase-out timeline for cancelled registrations), Information Note: update on implementation of post-market decisions provides additional information on phase-out measures for post-market decisions that include cancellations. The post-market decision considers potential health and environmental risks regarding the use of the pest control product, and its value, when establishing the implementation timelines.
Foramsulfuron is of low toxicity via the oral and dermal routes. It is not genotoxic, carcinogenic, neurotoxic, or a developmental or reproductive toxicant. Foramsulfuron is of low toxicity to wild mammals, birds, earthworms, bees, aquatic invertebrates, fish, algae, and aquatic plants. No human or environmental incidents involving foramsulfuron pesticidal products have been reported to Health Canada. Label amendments are required to meet current labelling standards for human health. For the environment, updated buffer zones and other label updates as per current standards and for clarity are required. Under current conditions of use, human health and environmental risks are considered to be acceptable during the 24 month label implementation period.
Amendment timeframe
The implementation timeline of 24 months for the required amendments (mitigation measures and label updates) for pest control products containing foramsulfuron is considered acceptable from a human health and environmental perspective. These required label amendments must be implemented within 24 months after the publication date of this decision document.
Refer to Appendix I for details on specific products impacted by this decision.
Next steps
To comply with this decision, the required amendments (mitigation measures and label updates) must be implemented on all product labels no later than 24 months after the publication date of this decision document. Accordingly, both registrants and retailers will have up to 24 months from the date of this decision document to transition to selling the product with the newly amended labels. Similarly, users will also have the same 24-month period from the date of this decision document to transition to using the newly amended labels, which will be available on the Public Registry.
Refer to Appendix I for details on specific products impacted by this decision.
Other information
Any person may file a notice of objection3 regarding this decision on foramsulfuron and its associated end-use products within 60 days from the date of publication of this Re-evaluation Decision. For more information regarding the basis for objecting (which must be based on scientific grounds), please refer to the Pesticides and pest management Section of the website (Public Engagement Portal - Public Engagement Forms - Notice of Objection) or contact PMRA's Pest Management Information Service.
The relevant confidential test data on which the decision is based (as referenced in PRVD2024-04) are available for public inspection, upon application, in PMRA's Reading Room. For more information, please contact the Pest Management Information Service.
Appendix I Registered products containing foramsulfuron in Canada
1 "Consultation statement" as required by subsection 28(2) of the Pest Control Products Act.
2 "Decision statement" as required by subsection 28(5) of the Pest Control Products Act.
3 As per subsection 35(1) of the Pest Control Products Act
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