California-based Ag-Biotech, a leader in plant genomic testing services for nearly three decades, announces that it is now offering target genotyping services, as well—providing more resolution than rivals, at comparable prices, and faster turnaround time.
″This is the solution that plant breeders and seed processors have been waiting for,″ said Dr. Mark Massoudi, President of Ag-Biotech. ″Whereas another company may offer, say, 1,000 markers in their pepper panel, we offer 4,000—for about the same price. And while others will take about several weeks to deliver data, Ag-Biotech does it in about half the time. It’s really an unbeatable combination.″
Ag-Biotech’s mid-density target genotyping service features panels ranging from 400 to 5,000 probes. They’re specifically designed to identify genetic variations for applications including QA/QC (quality assurance/quality control), MAB (marker-assisted backcrossing), GWAS (genome-wide association), and QTL (quantitative trait locus) mapping; the amplicon-based panels provide comprehensive coverage of markers across the genome.
For developers and seed processors who want to speed their crops to market, and/or protect their inventions against infringement, Ag-Biotech allows them to enhance the qualitative and quantitative traits in large breeding populations, by using the company’s whole-genome molecular marker panels to improve the accuracy of their predictive breeding and genotypic values.
The new target genotyping service offers panels for more than two dozen popular crops—with more on the way.
In addition, Ag-Biotech still offers its signature MAS (marker-assisted selection) service, with trait-linked marker panels for dozens of species, helping breeders to ascertain their plants’ disease resistance, agronomic qualities, abiotic stress levels, and more.
About Ag-Biotech
Since 1997, Monterey, California-based Ag-Biotech has been a dedicated expert in the genetic identification of agricultural trait marker genes using sophisticated technologies, enabling its customers to develop high-quality crop cultivars. Its signature marker-assisted selection or MAS service is now complemented by its all-new target genotyping service for rapid low-cost-per-SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) marker coverage across a given genome.
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