Sipcam Nichino informed AgroPages that it developed a new program for the effective management of tomato crops, which will help deliver more productivity and profitability to producers.
According to the Italian-Japanese company, the treatment program covers major pests and diseases, and biostimulates the development of crops.
According to the company, its methodology is based on the planned use of three insecticides, which are Ohkami®, Takumi® and Trebon®100 SC; two fungicides, which are Vitene® and Zetanil®; and the natural biostimulant, Blackjak®.″The program focuses on managing the producer's most strategic challenges, including pathogens such as black spot and late blight, and the tomato leafminer pest, in addition to major caterpillars,″ said agronomist Vitor Cabral Araújo, market development representative at Sipcam Nichino.
According to Araújo, the management system also encourages the full establishment of crops ″through the greater absorption of nutrients.″
In order to do this, applications of the biostimulant, Blackjak®, can be made to maintain the vigor of tomato plants throughout the entire cycle, he added.
″Composed of humic and fulvic acids, the biostimulant is quickly absorbed, induces the formation of roots, and strengthens the crop in the face of unfavorable weather conditions and water stress,″ he said.
Araújo stated that the use of the insecticides, Ohkami® and Trebon® 100 SC, following the company's recommendations, enables the effective control of the crop's main pest, the tomato pinworm.
″The addition of Takumi® broadens the control spectrum of economically relevant pests, including Helicoverpa zea. The three insecticides fit into IPM (integrated pest management) and pest resistance management,″ he explained.
The tomato moth or Tuta absoluta is present all year round, but during periods of drought, it becomes more aggressive. It causes damage ranging from 70% to 100% of production, according to experts.
″Adult females lay eggs on tomato leaves, fruits stems and sepals. Soon after, caterpillars hatch and feed on plant and fruit structures. Ohkami®, Trebon® 100 SC and Takumi® prevent pest damage. Ohkami® also reduces high egg laying rates, one of the negative characteristics of Tuta absoluta,″ Araújo said.
Regarding the control of the diseases, black spot (Alternaria solari) and late blight (Phytophthora infestans), he noted that Sipcam Nichino recommends preventively applying the fungicides, Vitene® and Zetanil®, to tomato plants.
″Regarding systemic action, Vitene® has a translaminar action, with good penetration and distribution. Zetanil®, which is systemic and protective, is distinguished by the balance between its actives and its prolonged effect transferred to crops,″ he said in conclusion.
(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)
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