Webinar: China Disinfectant Registration Requirement and Strategy

On 10th March, 2020 (Tuesday), REACH24H Consulting Group will organize a FREE Webinar about “
China Disinfectant Registration Requirement and Strategy”. If you are interested in selling the disinfectant products in China, this webinar will give you an overview of how to place the disinfectant efficiently and legally in China market.
Currently, efforts to prevent the spreading of the virus have had unexpected effects on the supply of goods. In response to the disruptive effect the virus has had on the Chinese supply chain, the Chinese government recently opened an exclusive Green Channel offering expedited and exceptional market access for four types of disinfectants, including alcohol disinfectants, chlorine-containing disinfectant, chlorine-dioxide disinfectant, and peracetic acid disinfectants that come into the China market.
In order to provide foreign disinfection manufacturers with comprehensive regulatory compliance support and market access strategies, this one-time webinar will share disinfectants registration compliance solutions for the Chinese market. In particular, the webinar will provide a comprehensive analysis of the current Chinese disinfectant regulatory framework, as well as the hygienic safety assessment report, essential for completing the registration. At the same time, the specific introduction of Green Channel will be explained to audiences in detail. For more information, please kindly click here:
March 10, 2020 (Tuesday)
Beijing Time
New York Time (EST)
09:30-10:00 am
GMT Time
The webinar is FREE, you are welcome to sign-up!
To join the webinar, please click to register online.
Should you have any problem, please feel free to let us know.
Thank you very much for your support!
Daisy Hu
T: +86-0571-87007033