Ourofino Agrociência introduces new herbicide for tobacco growers in Brazil

Ourofino Agrociência will present an exclusive formulation herbicide PonteiroBR (500 g/L sulfentrazone) for tobacco growers at the 19th edition of Expoagro Afubra, which to be held on March 26 in Rio Pardo, Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil.
Currently, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul are responsible for some 98% of Brazilian tobacco production. This potential market requires adequate agricultural practices, including the use of agri-input products. The PonteiroBR is indicated for the pre-emergence application in the pre-planting of tobacco seedlings and in post-planting, in a directed jet in the line of the crop for the management of hard-to-kill weeds.
The solution stands out from other herbicides by its high performance in the management of weeds resistant to glyphosate. It also has other characteristics, such as a broad spectrum of residual control, long half-life (150 - 180 days), high solubility, good drought tolerance and efficient behavior in straw and crop residues.
"It is a solution produced with high quality and pure raw materials, developed in one of the most modern factories for agricultural pesticides in the world. All of this impact on the strength of PonteiroBR, which has great selectivity and proven effectiveness," said Luciano Galera, Marketing and R&D Director at Ourofino Agrociência.
With innovative formulation, the PonteiroBR protects the productive potential, offering gain and operational efficiency, even when associated to other molecules in the integrated management. Roberto Toledo, Manager of Herbicides Products of Ourofino Agrociência, notes that the solution contains photoprotectors and exclusive surfactants, "Therefore it presents personalized characteristics that provide less degradation of the activity when exposes to high temperatures," he said.
During Expoagro Afubra 2019, the Ourofino Agrociência team will be present to share information and techniques with tobacco growers on trends and directions in the sector. PonteiroBR is part of Ourofino’s Reimagined Product portfolio, which aims at easing the identification of the product line with differential thoughts, specifically for Brazilian agriculture.