BCPC launches the 2019 UK Pesticide Guide

The UK Pesticide Guide is the key authoritative reference for advisors, growers, contractors, local authorities and many others managing the impact of pests and diseases.
Updated for 2019, this essential reference for all pesticide products and adjuvants approved for use in agriculture, amenity, forestry and horticulture, includes eight completely new active ingredient profiles and many new formulations and products for a wide selection of different crops.
“The printed Guide is a very useful, quick and easy reference to comprehensive UK pesticide information and is ideal to keep in the office or tractor cab,” explains Martin Lainsbury, editor of The UK Pesticide Guide. “But the BCPC’s Online UK Pesticide Guide, enables us to run updates throughout the year and add EAMUs and new approvals as soon as they come onstream.”
“The online resource is easily accessible from anywhere and has additional content and links that cannot be accommodated in the hard copy including maximum approved doses, latest approved timings, harvest intervals, mode of action codes, LERAP classifications and more. The online resource also links across to the Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) database of Maximum Residue Levels.”
This year BCPC is running a special promotion offering a half-priced hard copy UK Pesticide Guide to everyone subscribing to BCPC’s online resource.
If CPD points are important to you then BASIS members can benefit by earning 2 CPD points when purchasing the book and 3 CPD points when subscribing to the online resource.
Copies of The UK Pesticide Guide 2019 are available now, priced £55.80 (+p&p), or why not save with the package offer. Subscribe to the online resource (£70 + VAT per annum) and receive a 50% discount on your hard copy purchase.