Early bird registration for the ISF World Seed Congress starts today!

you’re planning for the year ahead, be sure to beat the crowds heading “down under” for the ISF World Seed Congress 2018. Early bird registration for the largest global gathering of the principal decision makers and architects of the seed industry opens on Tuesday 9 January at 11:00 GMT and runs until 5 February 2018 at 14:00 GMT.
This year’s Congress will take place in Brisbane, Australia on 3-6 June 2018, and is expected to attract more than 1000 delegates from around the world – from commercial enterprises and traders, to inter-governmental organizations and policymakers.
Hosted by the International Seed Federation together with the Australian Seed Federation, the ISF World Seed Congress program includes a host of business and social events that bring together delegates from around the world to engage on the opportunities and challenges for the seed industry.
Reflecting the spirit of Australia’s “new world city”, the theme of this year’s ISF World Seed Congress is innovation in seed. In addition to the three-day Congress program, there will be a Thematic Day on 7 June 2018 which will explore the latest trends in agricultural technology through an interactive session held at the Congress venue, and a field trip in the city of Brisbane.
For more information on registration, events and travel, visit the
ISF World Seed Congress website 2018.