BASF's new biocontrol solution Romeo® got approval from France
BASF France Agro, in collaboration with Agrauxine, has obtained French approval for Romeo®, a biocontrol solution which could stimulate natural defenses stemming from the research of Agrauxine-Lesaffre Plant Care. Based on cerevisane®, a specific fraction of the yeast strain LAS 117 -
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Romeo® is effective against downy mildew, powdery mildew in vines. Romeo® will enable winegrowers to produce high quality grapes, as part of innovative itineraries both in sustainable viticulture and organic farming.
Romeo® is a Systemic Resistance Inducer (SRI) that acts preventively by inducing plant defense mechanisms, and so prepares the plant to protect itself against fungal attacks. The product brings flexibility to growers because it’s a multi targets solution against downy mildew, powdery mildew and botrytis. Furthermore, Romeo® efficacy is maximized when the product is integrated into a pest management program.
It can be used alone, alternating with other solutions, or in combination with treatment programs built by integrating the context of the plot (grape variety, phenological stage, disease pressure, etc.).