AgriShield Seed Treatment System enhanced for 2018

Soybean producers have come to expect the very best seed varieties from LG Seeds, and coupled with the AgriShield® Seed Treatment System, these soybean varieties are delivered with state-of-the-art protection to soil-borne diseases and protection from damaging insects.
New for planting in 2018, the AgriShield Seed Treatment System will include an inoculant on several of the treatment options available to customers of LG Seeds.

Inoculants are important for successful production of a high yielding soybean crop. A 60 bushel soybean yield will utilize 300 pounds of nitrogen. Soybeans, being a legume crop, fix (produce) the ir nitrogen on nodules that grow on the roots – meaning that nitrogen fertilizer does not need to be added to the soil. The nitrogen fixing nodules are formed when the bacteria Bradyrhizobium japonicum infects soybean root hairs and colonize on the roots. The soybean plant and the bacteria have a symbiotic relationship. This simply means they have a mutually beneficial relationship. The soybean plant provides the sugars and carbohydrates that the bacteria need to live, and in return, the bacteria provide nitrogen to the plant. The nodules can provide 50-75% of a soybean’s nitrogen needs.
Normally there are 10-30 large nodules on the roots of soybeans. However, there are situations where nodulation is weak and nitrogen fixation is not as strong as it could be:
- New soybean fields are lacking in appropriate soil bacteria (rhizobia)
- Soil is compacted
- Cool soils
- Extremely dry or wet conditions following planting
- Coarse textured soils aren’t conducive for bacteria survival
- Flooded or saturated soils cause oxygen deprivation
- Soil pH below 6 or above 7
For years, producers have added forms of rhizobia to soybean seeds to increase nodulation. These inoculants cost from $1 to $5 per unit of seed. Researchers have documented 0-20 bushel advantages to using inoculants, with an average increase of 2-4 bushels.
The inoculant that will be added to the AgriShield Seed Treatment System is exclusive to AgReliant Genetics and is available for the first time in the U.S. market. Combining a superior seed treatment with an inoculant, will provide soybean producers with the potential for increased yields.
This highly effective inoculant has several benefits and features:
- 220-day stability on the seed
- Highly effective rhizobia strains are selected to maximize nitrogen fixation.
- High bacteria counts are applied to ensure rapid root infection and nodule formation.
- Increased nodulation development, providing more opportunity for additional nitrogen fixation Increasing the possibility of improved yields.
- Specifically designed for early application to the seed. Resulting in no planting delay for last minute commercial or planter box application of inoculants.
- Use of TOP Technology increases the rhizobia’s tolerance to stress, enhancing its survivability between application and planting. Bacteria have been pre-stressed, strengthening the cell wall of the bacteria to reduce mortality during use.
TOP Technology explained:
Technology w/Osmo Protection (TOP)
- Features –
- High metabolic and physiogical performance of the rhizobia bacteria
- Maximum bacterial counts of 1.0x1010 cfu/ml
- Increased bacterial cell wall thickness
- Hydrogen Uptake Positive gene
- Benefits –
- Highly effective rhizobia strains will maximize nitrogen fixation
- Improved performance compared to standard inoculants
- High numbers mean rapid root infection and nodule formation
- Enhanced stress tolerance means:
- Survival in the bag before use
- Ability to survive application and drying on the seed
- Enhanced survival time between application and planting
- Adapted performance under abiotic stress
- Extended on-seed survival with pesticides
- Compatibility allows for increased treatment flexibility
- Improved energy efficiency enhances nitrogen fixation process
LG Seeds is offering the enhanced benefits of an inoculant in two treatment options for 2018:
- Inoculant will be included at no charge for the full treatment package that includes AgriShield® F+I with ILeVO®
- Inoculant can be added as an option to the AgriShield® F+I for a small added cost
Download a copy of this Technical Bulletin:
Tech_358 - AgriShield Seed Treatment System Enhanced for 2018 Final