BASF launches Zidua SC herbicide in the US

BASF recently launched Zidua SC herbicide as new tool for corn, soybean and wheat growers in the U.S. against resistant weeds.
Zidua SC herbicide offers the same long-lasting weed control as Zidua herbicide, but in an improved SC liquid formulation. Labeled for corn, cotton, peanuts, soybeans, sunflowers and wheat, Zidua SC helps growers improve handling and tank mixability for a better application experience.
In addition, Zidua SC herbicide provides effective control on weeds resistant to not only glyphosate (group 9), but to also triazines (group 5) and ACCase (group 1), ALS (group 2) and PPO (group 14) inhibitors.
“Resistant weeds continue to challenge growers who are requesting new tools to help manage their fields,” said Daniel Waldstein, BASF Technical Marketing Manager. “Waterhemp and Palmer pigweed are especially difficult to control because they continue to emerge throughout the season. Our research trials have shown that Zidua SC herbicide provides up to two weeks longer residual control of these challenging weeds.”
Zidua SC herbicide offers the lowest use rate of any group 15 herbicide, allowing growers to select the best rate for their fields. Increased application flexibility from fall to early pre-plant to early post-emergence in corn and soybeans, gives growers more options throughout the season.
“As weed management becomes increasingly complex, Zidua SC herbicide gives growers a simple solution to combat resistant weeds and help boost yields on their farms,” said Waldstein.