Earlier Quadris Fungicide Application Timing Improves Efficiency
Syngenta Crop Protection has announced an innovative approach to corn fungicide treatments that calls for an early-season application of Quadris fungicide at the vegetative five (V5) growth stage.
"The Quadris V5 application helps maximize disease protection at a critical growth stage of the crop,” said Jamie Eichorn, fungicide brand manager for Syngenta. “Additionally, it helps with application flexibility while still enhancing Plant Performance.”
Early-season applications of Quadris allow for broad-spectrum preventive disease control and enhanced Plant Performance while the corn leaf and ear shoots are being determined at V5 and later growth stages. In addition, the xylem-mobile systemic activity of Quadris will help protect new growth during the vegetative stages.
A Quadris application at V5 also maximizes ground application equipment, allowing for the fungicide application to occur in geographies where aerial application may be limited. For efficiency, an early application of Quadris conveniently tank mixes with glyphosate herbicides such as Touchdown® brands, saving a trip across the field while still protecting the plant from disease and helping to boost yield.
At V5, the nodal roots form the major part of the corn plant’s root system and a microscopically small tassel is initiated at the growing point. Additionally, the corn leaf and ear shoots are being determined. Syngenta recommends an application of Quadris fungicide at 6oz/A. The V5 application may be followed by Quilt® fungicide at 14 oz/A or Quilt Xcel™ fungicide at 10.5 oz/A at the reproductive one (R1) growth stage, classified as when silks are first visible outside the husks.