Elsoms Wheat presents an authoritative new guide to winter wheat choice

Working in collaboration with independent seed merchants and industry experts, Elsoms Wheat, an emerging leader in the development of new feed and biscuit wheats for the UK, has developed a practical and informative guide to support winter wheat choice.
‘Robust Wheats – a grower’s guide’ explores the concept of relative risk, as recently introduced by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB), and its value in identifying robust varieties. These combine strong agronomic merit with high untreated yields and are therefore more likely to maintain a good financial return under tough environmental conditions, reducing commercial risk for the grower. To download the booklet go to
“The low wheat prices of two to three years ago underlined how punishing it can be to grow a crop that is highly dependent on intensive chemical management,” said Mr Adrian Hayler, Head of Elsom Agricultural Division. “The relative risk approach encourages growers to look beyond the top-line treated yield figures, at untreated yield, for example, and disease resistance, to identify more robust varieties that are less exacting in terms of input. That said the latest entrants into the AHDB Recommended Lists (RLs) – such as our own Dunston, Bennington, Moulton, and Freiston – score well on both counts. A sound choice will deliver barn-filling yields with minimal risk.”
11 new winter wheats were added in the 2017-18 AHDB RLs, and just 5 removed, making the current lists for winter wheats quite lengthy. The introduction of the relative risk approach is therefore helpful when it comes to differentiating strong performers, as of course is expert independent advice. Seed merchants have typically been working with the latest varieties for several years, as they advance through trials, and are in an excellent position to compare competitive new entrants.
“We’re very grateful to all the seed merchants and industry experts who, by giving freely of their knowledge and experience, have helped to make this booklet so informative. Thanks too to the team at Crop Production Magazine, for their input and styling” said Mr Hayler. “We believe the result is an easily digested read that will be really valuable to those refining the lists to make top winter wheat choices for the coming season.”
To find out more about Elsoms Wheat and the varieties it offers go to
Wheat Pages
To download ‘Robust wheats – a grower’s guide’ go to