Phoenix Environmental Care adds thrasher herbicide to its product line
Thrasher is a selective herbicide, containing the active ingredient
ethofumesate, that controls Poa annua in cool-season grasses and overseeded bermudagrass.
Phoenix Environmental Care announces the addition of Thrasher herbicide, a low-odor, water-based herbicide, to its line of products. Thrasher is a selective herbicide, containing the active ingredient ethofumesate, that controls Poa annua in cool-season grasses and overseeded bermudagrass.
Thrasher can also be used pre- and post-emergent for control of weed species including annual bluegrass, large and smooth crabgrass, barnyardgrass, green and yellow foxtail, canarygrass, burr clover, common chickweed, common purslane, redroot pigweed, yellow and purple nutsedge and white clover.
Thrasher is approved for use on ornamental turf sites including golf courses, sod farms, parks, cemeteries and commercial and homeowner lawns.
Thrasher will be available for the 2010 season. For more information, please visit