Canada to approve BASF's herbicide imazamox
The Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has proposed the continued registration of BASF’s imazamox-based herbicides for sale and use in Canada. The public comments will be closed on June 28, 2015.
Imazamox is a selective post-emergence herbicide. It is registered for the control of broadleaf and grassy weeds in crops with an imidazolinone tolerance (naturally occurring or Clearfield trait). Imazamox is used in the Prairie Provinces, and Peace River region of British Columbia, on Clearfield crops (wheat, canola, canola quality Brassica juncea, lentils and sunflowers) and field peas, dry edible beans (tank mix only), fenugreek for seed and forage uses, seedling and established alfalfa grown for seed, and bird's foot trefoil for seed production. It is also used on soybeans in Western Canada (Prairie Provinces and Peace River region of British Columbia) and Eastern Canada. Imazamox products are formulated as a solution, emulsifiable concentrate or water dispersible granules. Commercial-class products containing imazamox can be applied once per year using a ground sprayer. There are no domestic-class products containing this active ingredient.