Oro Agri strengthens its presence in Southeast Asia for growing markets
In the developing countries of Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar, agriculture is a major sector of the economy employing more than 70% of the work force. With limited land, and a need to consider food security for some 200 million people, crop protection is a critical factor.
“Oro Agri International recognizes the importance of agriculture in the region,” says Mr Erroll Pullen, CEO, Oro Agri. “We have therefore appointed Dr. Quang Man as Regional Manager for Northeast Asia which includes Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. He in turn has recruited the first Oro Agri sales person in the region to assist him. We believe our products can make a major contribution in these countries by enhancing the performance of traditional crop protection products and foliar fertilizers, which will enable growers to maximize the potential from their land.”

“The region has ideal weather conditions for growing a variety of crops all the year round and as a result has a thriving export market of rice, coffee, black pepper, rubber, tea and tropical fruits. Exporting brings in valuable foreign currencies to the countries so governments and growers are eager to produce high yielding, good quality crops,” explains Dr. Man. “The Oro Agri range of products has been welcomed by growers looking for high yields and enhancedcrop quality whilst ensuring safety to the growers, environment and end-user.”
“Entering this market with a range of adjuvant and foliar fertilizer products is a first for the region and is a great opportunity for Oro Agri to promote its products and show the crop benefits that can be achieved,” says Dr. Man. “Each country in the region is slightly different in terms of size and crop range but what they all have in common is a need to get the best out of their land to meet the needs of a growing population and export market.”
The total cultivated area in the region is 50 million hectares – see Table 1. Myanmar has the greatest potential with some 16 million hectares with rice and pulses being the most significant crops by area. With its rich natural resources, large population and rapidly growing market, Myanmar is regarded by some as the “last golden land in the world” and could become a major market in the region for Oro Agri over the next three to five years. Four products have been submitted for registration in the country and trials work is generating some excellent results. The products include;
• PREV-AM – a biopesticide with fungicide, insecticide and miticide activity:
• WETCIT – an adjuvant that enhances activity of traditional crop protection chemicals;
• OROSTAR – a N-P-K fertilizer with micro-nutrients which aids the uptake of micro and
macro nutrients into the plant;
•TRANSFORMER – a blend of surfactants and plant extracts which improves soil microbial action.

Vietnam has the second largest cultivated area in the region but is by far the biggest market by value, estimated at around US $ 1 billion per annum. Rice, which is the most significant crop, comprises 60% share, with corn and rubber contributing as the next most important crops. Oro Agri launched ORO-STAR, PREV-B2 and PREV-MAG into Vietnam in 2014 and is now investing in producing data packages for several other products to gain registration.Once registration is obtained and a full range of products are commercially available Oro Agri will be in a strong position in this very important market.
The smallest country, by cultivated area, is Cambodia with 5 million hectares. Four Oro Agri products: PREV-AM, WETCIT, ORO-STAP and TRANSFORMER have already been registered in the country and been used by growers with positive feedback. To ensure more rapid market penetration Oro Agri has appointed Nileda Co., Ltd as sole distributor for its products in the country.
“Oro Agri has seen the potential of this growing market and has been one of the first company to move into the region with a unique range of adjuvants and biorational products. It is vital that we have the necessary data in place to ensure registration is secured for all our products which can benefit growers and meet the food requirements of the population. We also need to find and support local distributors for our products,” concludes Dr. Man.