Nufarm Americas has expanded its crop protection product line with the introduction of five new products that include the active ingredients tribenuron and thifensulfuron. These herbicides offer broad-spectrum weed control in cereals including wheat, barley, oats and triticale.
TreatyTM is a 75% wettable granule formulation of thifensulfuron.Treaty is designed for selective post-emergence broadleaf weed control, and can be used as a stand-alone herbicide or in combination with an many broadleaf and grass herbicides. Treaty can be used post-emergence on wheat, barley, oats and triticale as well as for fallow and preplant burndown with minimal crop rotation restrictions. It provides an economical post-patent alternative to Harmony XP herbicide.
TreatyTM Extra is a 75% wettable granule formulation of thifensulfuron and tribenuron in a 2:1 ratio designed to control a broad spectrum of broadleaf weeds. Treaty Extra can be used post-emergence on wheat (including durum), barley, oats and triticale as well as for fallow and preplant burndown with minimal crop rotation restrictions. Treaty Extra is a cost-effective alternative to Harmony Extra XP herbicide.
RapportTM TankMix is a 50% wettable granule formulation of thifensulfuron and tribenuron in a 4:1 ratio designed to manage tough broadleaf weeds like Canada thistle, lambsquarters, Russian thistle, dogfennel and wild buckwheat in wheat, barley and triticale, as well as in post-harvest burndown, preplant burndown and fallow applications.Rapport TankMix offers excellent flexibility as a tank mix partner while providing effective weed control of tough broadleaf weeds and safety to the growing crop. Rapport TankMix contains the same active ingredients as Affinity TankMix herbicide.
Rapport BroadSpec is a 50% wettable granule formulation of thifensulfuron and tribenuron in a 1:1 ratio. It is designed to control Canada thistle, wild buckwheat and a broad spectrum of other tough broadleaf weeds.
Rapport BroadSpec can be used post-emergence, alone or tank-mixed, on wheat and barley and for fallow and preplant burndown applications, with minimal crop rotation restrictions. Rapport BroadSpec is an economical post-patent alternative to Affinity BroadSpec herbicide.
VictoryTM is a 75% wettable granule formulation of tribenuron. Victory is designed for selective post emergence broadleaf weed control in wheat, barley, triticale, post harvest in cereals, fallow and pre-plant or post-harvest burndown. Victory Herbicide delivers Canada thistle control and control of many other tough broadleaf weeds and can be used as a stand-alone product or in tank mix combinations with broadleaf or grass herbicides. Tankmixes that include Victory herbicide in cereal grains reduce weed infestations and provide multiple crop rotation options.
“This extensive portfolio of new herbicides demonstrates the commitment of Nufarm to provide its customers with better choices to help make them make better business decisions,” says Randy Canady, executive vice president of marketing and operations for Nufarm. “While Nufarm is better known for phenoxy and glyphosate products, we have many years of experience in worldwide sourcing, formulation and delivery of sulfonylurea herbicides,” Canady says.
“Now, we’re bringing better value to the cereal grains herbicide market here in the U.S. We now offer the widest post-patent portfolio of cereals herbicides to help our customers meet the needs for more efficient, profitable production.”