Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Canada approves DuPont insecticide Cyazypyrqrcode

Apr. 3, 2013

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Apr. 3, 2013
The Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) has granted approval for registration of DuPont™ Cyazypyr™ (cyantraniliprole) insecticide, an exciting new tool for Canadian farmers.

Cyazypyr™ is the active ingredient in three new insect control products, each of which have been formulated to provide optimal performance based on their use pattern. When applied early in the crop life, Cyazypyr™ can increase the opportunity for improved marketable yield by reducing feeding damage and the impact of insect-vectored diseases.

"Cyazypyr™ is our first active ingredient to control a cross-spectrum of chewing and sucking pests," says Ray Janssen, Market Segment Manager, Specialty Products. "It is an excellent option for growers to use in an early application to boost plant establishment and vigour, especially in vegetables. Crops are responding really well and show exceptional plant health at the early stages of the crop life due to the reduction of crop stress."

For 2013, growers can realize the benefits of DuPont™ Cyazypyr™ through use of the following three brands:

DuPont™ Benevia™ insecticide: a new cross-spectrum potato insect control product that reduces the stress from insect pest pressure. Benevia™ controls key pests such as Colorado potato beetle (including Group 4 neonicotinoid-resistant CPB), European corn borer and aphids.

DuPont™ Verimark™ insecticide: a new in-furrow and seed treatment product for potatoes and a soil applied product for brassica vegetables. Verimark™ provides the opportunity for excellent early crop establishment by controlling Colorado potato beetle, diamondback moth and swede midge.

DuPont™ Exirel™ insecticide: a new product for fruit and vegetable growers that will help produce a stronger crop in the field for a more appealing crop at harvest because of its broad-spectrum control. Exirel™ provides a new mode of action for thrips and sucking insects with no cross-resistance to other chemistries.

Studies to date have demonstrated that Cyazypyr™ has low toxicity to birds, fish, mammals, earthworms and microorganisms, and it breaks down rapidly in the environment.


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