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DuPont Launches New Herbicide Designed for Eastern Corn Belt Cornqrcode

Mar. 21, 2013

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Mar. 21, 2013
A new crop protection product from DuPont may be just what growers need for this cold, wet spring.  Instigate™ is  new corn herbicide just approved for 2013 use and designed specifically for Indiana and the Eastern Corn Belt. Jeff Carpenter, with DuPont, says the product gives growers in the northern and eastern Corn Belt more flexibility for corn weed control by allowing application from preplant through early emergence to handle broadleaf and grass weeds, “We have EPA and state approval in Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. The product is designed for the soil types in Indiana.  It is a multiple mode of action herbicide, so it will control ALS, Atrazine, and Glyphosate resistant weeds.”

New Herbicide Designed for Eastern Corn Belt Corn

What will make this product popular this spring is the wide window of application. Carpenter explained that the product can be used on corn before the crop comes up through the V-2 stage, “It can go on before the crop is out of the ground or even after it has emerged. It is a very versatile and flexible product in terms of application.” With a spring that is looking more and more like 2011, having that flexibility will be key for many growers.

 Carpenter said this new product can also work in a one-pass, spray program, “I would like to see it tank mixed with Atrazine; it is designed for one application that will give you control all season long.” Instigate™ can be partnered with most standard preemergence corn herbicide products. Carpenter added that Instigate™ helps preemergence herbicide programs work harder by adding efficacy and improving results. Providing both burndown and residual corn weed control helps keep corn fields clean during the critical weed-free period.

 It is a dry formula for storage, and use is easier than other liquid products. “Instigate™ makes it easy with a low use rate and a convenient dry formulation, so applicators don’t need to use pumps, tanks, and meters for effective preemergence corn weed control,” said Carpenter.


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