Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Valent introduced PGR SmartGrass in UKqrcode

Feb. 22, 2013

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Feb. 22, 2013

Valent BioSciences LLC
United States  United States

Category:Plant growth regulators

SmartGrass, a plant growth regulator developed by Valent BioSciences Corporation, has been approved by UK CRD following three years development work across UK and relevant European countries. It has already been used successfully in Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Chile.

SmartGrass, which contains a patented formulation of gibberellic acid and works by supplementing natural growth promoting plant hormones and stimulates plant cell expansion and increases cell number, resulting in rapid foliar growth, can enhance the growth rate of grass, leading to earlier first cut silage, earlier turn out and higher productivity.

Applied as a conventional spray to grass at the start of spring growth, SmartGrass will enhance or accelerate the growth rate of established rotational and permanent agricultural grassland for about 6 weeks. It will increase the growth rate of grass, enabling the earlier use of grassland for grazing or for cutting for hay or silage production. Its use results in visibly taller grass and increased dry matter/hectare when cut. By the simple act of advancing the timing of the 1st cut, this brings the whole growth season forward, allowing earlier grazing or advancing the timing of the subsequent cuts. It will also help with planning feedstuffs at turnout and reducing the need for supplementary feed.

SmartGrass contains 400g/kg gibberellic acid (GA3) formulated as a water soluble granule and packed in a 20g sachet. It is a systemic natural plant growth regulator for use in fertile grassland used for grazing, hay or silage. It can be applied with an adjuvant. One application can be applied per crop and the latest time of application is the 1st May. SmartGrass has no LERAP, but care is needed to avoid drift onto adjacent crops. It is rainfast within 2 hours.


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