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Ceradis appoints Johan Grootscholten as Market Development Managerqrcode

Jul. 20, 2012

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Jul. 20, 2012


Ceradis is pleased to announce the appointment of Johan Grootscholten. Johan (47 years old) has been active in horticulture and agriculture for several years. After Wageningen University he directly became sector manager at the Dutch agricultural advice company DLV.  Afterwards the crop protection business became his world. He joined companies like Asepta and Certis Europe (Mitsui) and built up a wide range experience in the sales & marketing of crop protection products and specialty fertilizers.
As market development manager Johan will be main contact person for the establishment of the fertilizer market in Europe and North America. Furthermore he will support to enhance the crop protection and formulation business of Ceradis.

Johan chooses for Ceradis for several reasons, the most important ones are joining a young very entrepreneurial company with innovative products and technologies and getting the opportunity to build up a fertilizer market and be a pioneer for the company in new markets.

Furthermore, he can enlarge his international network in the agribusiness (fertilizers and crop protection).  As son of a vegetable grower he appreciates the Ceradis product portfolio because he knows how important high quality fertilizers and crop protection are to obtain a healthy crop and high yields.

"Ceradis has high growth ambitions and aims to enhance its position in crop protection and fertilizers. My experience in the crop protection & agribusiness will definitely help us to achieve the Ceradis those goals.’

Quote of Mr. Wim van der Krieken: “We are very pleased that Johan has joined our team because he is able to combine the commercial market of crop protection and crop fertilization with our special crop protection and fertilizer products. As a Master of Science in agronomy he “understands” our special products and is thus able to bring our knowhow of crop protection (in our products) to our commercialization partners”.
Source: Ceradis B.V.


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