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Bioceres Crop Solutions secures patent protection for HB4 Wheat in the U.S. until 2042qrcode

Mar. 6, 2025

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Mar. 6, 2025


Bioceres Crop Solutions Corp.  announced that it has received a Notice of Allowance from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for its first event-specific patent covering the HB4 Wheat, IND-ØØ412-7. This approval is the first of four potential patents the company is pursuing for HB4 Wheat in the United States, securing protection for this technology and associated production system until 2042.

HB4 wheat offers improved tolerance to drought and enhanced weed management options compared to conventional wheat. The technology has already been approved by the USDA for cultivation and by the FDA for food and feed use in the United States. The U.S. is the fourth largest wheat producer, with nearly 40 million acres harvested in the most recent marketing year.

In alignment with the company’s commitment to responsible commercialization, Bioceres Crop Solutions will adhere to the U.S. Wheat Associates’ (USW) ″Wheat Industry Principles for Biotechnology Commercialization″ developed with the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG). These principles include maintaining fluent dialogue with USW/NAWG, securing regulatory approvals for food and feed in major wheat export markets, establishing tolerance thresholds for low level presence, providing trait detection tests, and ensuring product stewardship through education, outreach and a certified seed value capture model.

The commercial rollout of HB4 wheat in the U.S. will follow a broad licensing approach, consistent with the company’s recently announced go-to-market strategy for its HB4 technology.


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