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Wilbur-Ellis introduces NUTRIO N-TUNE to help growers fine-tune crop nitrogen needsqrcode

Feb. 28, 2025

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Feb. 28, 2025

Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness
United States  United States

Wilbur-Ellis, a leading provider of innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture, announced the launch of NUTRIO N-TUNE, an innovative biological product that provides a steady supply of nitrogen (N) to crops throughout the growing season.

This supplement to synthetic nitrogen helps overcome nitrogen deficiencies that can occur as the season progresses. NUTRIO N-TUNE is derived from naturally occurring, beneficial bacteria capable of converting atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia.

"NUTRIO N-TUNE features a sporulated, hardy bacterium that's easy to apply," explains Robb Mohr, agronomist and Wilbur-Ellis branded nutrition manager. "It doesn't require special handling or application equipment. And it can be applied pre-plant, in-furrow, pre-emergence or early post-emergence."


Along with seamless compatibility with a wide range of fertilizers and chemicals, the flexibility of the product means growers have multiple application options.

"It doesn't require a host plant, just soil contact, so growers can put it out early, let it start working and know it will continue to produce N all season," Mohr adds. "It's spoon-feeding plants the nutrients they need for success."

Field trials across a variety of crops have demonstrated the value NUTRIO N-TUNE delivers for growers.

"Corn, soybeans, wheat and cotton performed especially well in field tests, with some plots showing almost unbelievable yields," says Matt Werner, agronomist and Wilbur-Ellis branded technologies portfolio manager. "In general, the average response was at least 3:1 return on investment for growers."

More specifically, NUTRIO N-TUNE delivers:

  • A constant source of N, producing up to 0.5 pounds per day

  • Improved nutrient efficiency thanks to enlarged roots that stimulates N assimilation and fixes nitrogen into ammonia

  • A go-anywhere formulation that works across a wide range of pH and temperatures, even in high salinity soils

  • A hardy bacterium that survives longer across a wider range of environments

In the field trials, when N was a limiting factor in corn yield, NUTRIO N-TUNE increased yield by 12.5 bushels per acre when compared to a reduced N control plot. And it boosted yield by 6.4 bushels per acre compared to competitor biological products in a reduced N program.


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