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Posterity® XT fungicide from Syngenta registered for use in California, USqrcode

−− Superintendents in California can now control more than 20 turfgrass diseases including fairy ring, large patch and more

Jul. 12, 2024

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Jul. 12, 2024

Syngenta United States
United States  United States

Golf course superintendents in California can now purchase Posterity® XT fungicide, an innovative, broad-spectrum solution that has been registered for use on golf courses in the state.

″We’re excited to now offer the power of Posterity XT to superintendents in California,″ said Stephanie Schwenke, golf market manager for Syngenta. ″Research and use throughout the country since 2020 have shown Posterity XT is an excellent solution for disease control, and for California specifically, it is a great tool for fairy ring, large patch, anthracnose and more.″

Posterity XT now offers California superintendents:

  • Up to 28 days of control of more than 20 diseases including fairy ring, anthracnose, large patch, leaf spot and more

  • Three leading active ingredients in different FRAC groups, including ADEPIDYN® technology

  • Guaranteed fairy ring control through the GreenTrust® 365 Fairy Ring Guarantee

  • A new tool for resistance management

″Syngenta is pleased to be able to provide new solutions like Posterity XT to expand what is available in California,″ said Ron Townsend, technical services manager for Syngenta. ″Posterity XT is a proven product that can be rotated with other trusted products, like Ascernity® fungicide, for residual control of turfgrass diseases while helping to fight resistance.″

Additionally, superintendents can purchase Posterity XT and Ascernity together in a convenient Multipak for added savings versus buying the products individually.

To know more formulation and adjuvant technologies, please click the following picture to read / download AgroPages' magazine <<2024 Formulation&Adjuvant Technology>>.

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Source: Syngenta USA


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