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Bayer launches fungicide Valpura in Brazilqrcode

Jul. 1, 2024

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Jul. 1, 2024

At this year's edition of Hortitec, one of Bayer's major highlights was the launch of the fungicide Valpura, formulated with bixafen. 

Bayer stand.jpg

According to the manufacturer, the new product is a systemic fungicide with a mode of action that inhibits the production of succinate dehydrogenase (SDHI) enzyme. Bayer explained that Bixafen is an active ingredient in the chemical group carboxamides and the pyrazoles-4-carboxamide subgroup or C2.

According to the company, Valpura operated through a novel mode of action, presenting ″high efficiency and long-lasting control against diseases.″ Additionally, Bayer claimed that the launch ″optimizes the productive potential in potato, tomato, grape, and apple crops.″ 

Still in pre-launch, the product was one of the highlights of Bayer's portfolio, alongside rootstocks for tomatoes like Multifort and Gumgang. According to Bayer, these technologies ″deliver resistance and productivity, balanced with tolerance to soil diseases.″

″The use of commercial rootstocks in tomato cultivation has become popular due to the gains it provides to the crop,″ explained Daniela Augustinho, Marketing Manager at Seminis, Bayer's horticultural brand. 

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According to her, ″grafting – as the technique is known – is a propagation method that uses tissues from two different plants in a fusion.″

″The aim is to exploit the desirable characteristics of each. The lower part (rootstock) contributes with the roots and is responsible for supporting the plant, absorbing water and nutrients, and adapting to soil and substrate conditions,″ the specialist added.

Augustinho emphasized, "Hortitec is a great opportunity to show partners and farmers how Bayer works to support the planting-to-harvest process in the fruit and vegetable segment.″

″At the fair, we will present an experience focused on promoting valuable connections between the seed cultivated in the field and the food that reached consumers' tables,″  the Seminis marketing manager highlighted.

Fabio Maia.jpegFabio Maia, Portfolio Manager for Fruits and Vegetables at Bayer, added, "Hortitec is an ideal environment for producers to access Bayer's cutting-edge technologies.″

″With our integrated solutions, we encourage sustainable and effective cultivation in pest, disease, and weed control, producing high-quality and healthy fruits and vegetables for consumers and ensuring better profitability for farmers,″ Maia said in conclusion.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

To know more formulation and adjuvant technologies, please click the following picture to read / download AgroPages' magazine <<2024 Formulation&Adjuvant Technology>>.

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Source: AgroNews


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