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FMC launches the herbicide Stone in Brazilqrcode

Jun. 17, 2024

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Jun. 17, 2024


The multinational agrochemical company FMC launched the herbicide Stone (Sulfentrazone + Diuron) at Showtec 2024, which AgroPages covered. 


Stone is a high-performance, pre-emergent herbicide with systemic action for controlling weeds.

According to the manufacturer, the product can control even the most problematic weeds that appear in conventional or no-till planting systems, keeping the path clear for productivity. Stone "keeps crops clean with high performance and simplicity in management."


"Its exclusive formulation provides homogeneous application and superior efficiency in controlling resistant and difficult-to-control weeds," FMC stated.

In addition to Stone, FMC showcased the herbicide Reator, a microencapsulated product that works in pre- and post-emergent stages with prolonged release. According to the manufacturer, Reator manages weeds such as goosegrass (Eleusine indica) and beggar ticks (Bidens pilosa) in soyabeans.

Débora Prado.jpeg"It is a unique solution in the market that offers flexibility with selectivity for farmers who need to apply it after soybean emergence," said Débora Prado, crop manager at FMC.

The booth also featured the herbicide Aurora, which is recommended for pre-planting and pre-harvest application in soybeans and is an essential tool for improving desiccation and enhancing crop productivity.

Leandro Paiola Albrecht.jpegDuring the event, the company offered lectures by researcher Leandro Paiola Albrecht, who met with clients and farmers to discuss and answer management questions. He presented the results of FMC products and discussed the importance and impacts of using pre-emergent herbicides in soybeans. Albrecht is an agronomist, a professor at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), and holds a post-doctorate in Weeds and a PhD in agronomy – plant production.

During the event, FMC also highlighted Arc farm intelligence, a platform capable of predicting insect pressure in the field to assist with accurate and targeted management, optimizing work and costs for the producer. 

The tool is an innovation in precision agriculture, as users have access to a weather forecasting module that uses Artificial Intelligence to integrate data from approximately 100 global predictive models. It weighs factors based on geography, time, climate types, and recent weather condition verification forecasts. This way, users can have updated data every hour and 10-day forecasts for any location in the world and their agricultural property.


(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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