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Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals and Wengfu Group working together to supernormally advance RMB22 billion phosphorus chemical projectqrcode

May. 24, 2024

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May. 24, 2024

A few days ago, the RMB22 billion-yuan-phosphorus chemical industry chain project, invested jointly by China’s Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals and Wengfu Group, reached its latest milestone. 


On May 15, 2024, Guizhou Wengfu Jiangshan Chemical Co., Ltd, the joint venture between Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals and Wengfu Group, completed the corporate registration procedure and was granted a corporate business license.


Information revealed that the joint venture’s registered capital is RMB3.35 billion yuan, of which Wengfu Group contributes RMB2.16775 billion yuan, holding 65% of the equity share, while Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals contributes RMB1.16725 billion yuan, holding 35% of the equity share. 

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On May 12, the Wengfu-Jiangshan Weng’an project team held a process technology exchange meeting in Weng’an, Guizhou. During the exchange, the project team presented the process technology of 13 sub-projects, including yellow phosphorus and phosphorus pentachloride, followed by a discussion on the feasibility demonstration pertaining to the process technology. 


May 13 saw the inaugural meeting of Guizhou Wengfu Jiangshan Chemical Co., Ltd. The new company and Guizhou Jiangshan Crop Technology Co., Ltd form an entity in charge of implementing the phosphorus chemical industry chain project launched between Wengfu Group and Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals, located in Weng’an County, Guizhou Province. 

Establishing the new company deepens cooperation between the two parties, utilizing their advantages to promote the rapid progress of the project’s construction. 

RMB22 billion phosphorus chemical industry chain project

Previously, in October 2022, Jiangshan Agrochemical & Chemicals announced cooperation with Wengfu Group in a phosphorus chemical cyclic industry chain project. With a total investment of RMB22 billion yuan, the project is located in the Fine Chemical Park of Weng’an Economic Development Zone, Guizhou, covering roughly 6,000 mu of land. 

The project involves phased newbuild of capacity of 100,000 tons of yellow phosphorus with the supportive 1 million tons of pellets, 500,000 tons of TCP, 300,000 tons of caustic soda, 300,000 tons of hydrogen peroxide, 100,000 tons of phosphorus pentachloide, 140,000 tons of electronic chemicals (electronic grade phosphoric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide and hydrofluoric acid), 230,000 tons of fine phosphate (furnace phosphoric acid, phosphorus pentoxide, sodium hypophosphite and polyphosphoric acid), 100,000 tons of glyphosate, 100,000 tons of flame retardant (BDP, TOP, TEP), 600,000 tons of organic silicon and supportive utilities.  

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Source: AgroNews


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