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US EPA approves FMC's Anthem Flex for herbicide impregnation in cottonqrcode

May. 22, 2024

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May. 22, 2024

FMC Corporation
United States  United States

Anthem Flex herbicide from FMC has received the U.S. EPA approval for a label expansion to now include herbicide impregnation for cotton. This label expansion offers cotton growers a new, effective and flexible application solution for preemergence management of key grasses and broadleaf weeds, including Palmer amaranth, prickly sida (teaweed), barnyardgrass, goosegrass, panicum, foxtail species and more.


Anthem Flex herbicide delivers long residual control and application flexibility in a single product. By impregnating Anthem Flex herbicide on fertilizer for aerial application and ground application, growers can more effectively target weeds throughout the preemergence window while ensuring superior residual control.  


″The long residual of Anthem Flex herbicide is an important consideration in an overlapping residual herbicide program and helps manage difficult weeds for season-long weed control,″ said Eric Castner, regional technical service manager for FMC. ″Anthem Flex herbicide gives cotton growers more options and flexibility to build a weed management plan that delivers successful results all season long.″


Anthem Flex herbicide contains a high-load combination of two active ingredients: carfentrazone-ethyl and pyroxasulfone. This active ingredient combination is novel for cotton growers and is essential to the ever-challenging fight against weeds. 

″The continued evolution of weeds and reported cases of herbicide resistance is putting more pressure on postemergence herbicides,″ said Chris Leon, regional technical service manager for FMC. ″Palmer amaranth is resistant to multiple modes of action, and grass control continues to be a challenge with our reliance on auxin plus glyphosate tank mixtures. With more flexibility and no known resistance, Anthem Flex herbicide is a much needed and timely weed management tool for cotton growers.″

Source: FMC


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