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Toltek: A brand-new seed treatment bio-fungicide for cereal growersqrcode

−− Certis Biologicals and Certis Belchim announce their first biofungicide formulated seed treatment for cereals

Mar. 28, 2024

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Mar. 28, 2024

Certis Biologicals and Certis Belchim announced their first bio-fungicide formulation for Cereals seed treatment: TOLTEK.

TOLTEK is the first biological fungicide for Take-All disease in Cereals registered in Europe and it will be distributed by Certis Belchim. The co-development project between Certis Biologicals and Certis Belchim (registered as TOLTEK FS) started 5 years ago. The first authorisation for the product has been granted in France for use on Wheat, Barley, Spelt and Triticale, with more authorisations for TOLTEK still pending in Germany, Belgium, Czechia, Ireland and the UK.

TOLTEK contains the microorganism Bacillus amyloliquefaciens D747, a proven bio-fungicide strain, that has demonstrated effective protection against Take-All disease (Gaeumannomyces tritici) in cereals when used as a seed treatment, in GEP efficacy trials conducted by Certis-Belchim.

Take-All pressure has been increasing gradually over the last 20 years and is expected to continue to increase under the effects of global warming. Significant yield damage traditionally observed on short cereal rotations are now being seen in a larger range of agricultural practices.

Toltek will be the third solution offered by CERTIS Belchim to control Take-All since 2017:

  • Latitude XL, the seed treatment of reference to control Take-All under high disease pressure and maximizing seed sowability

  • Bon Attitude, the only Take-All decision-making tool available and designed on the basis of the largest existing Take-All field trials database built over the last 25 years.

  • Toltek, the first and only biocontrol seed treatment ever developed for cereal growers fully compatible with industrial requirements of our seed treater partners.

We are excited to bring our first bio-fungicide to the French Cereals growers and to contribute to the shift towards biological solutions in European agriculture.

We are very grateful to the French Regulatory Agency (ANSES) for the speedy timeline in granting this product authorisation and to bring into practice the French commitment to make biocontrol available to farmers.

″Its exciting to see 5 years of hard work and close collaboration between Certis Biologicals and Certis Belchim come to fruition with TOLTEK FS″ says Dr. Jow-Lih Su, CEO of Certis Biologicals. ″The resulting innovative biological seed treatment will provide cereal growers with a tool to manage a critical disease, while also highlighting the capability of Biologicals to support the long-standing desire to bring more sustainable crop protection products to the European market″.

Mark Waltham, CEO, Certis Belchim BV commented: "We are excited about the outcome of the successful partnership with Certis Biologicals. This innovative collaboration highlights Certis Belchim's dedication to providing European growers with cutting-edge, efficient, and environmentally sustainable solutions.″

Disclaimer: The TOLTEK FS formulation has been developed and manufactured by Certis Biologicals and will be distributed in EU by Certis Belchim.

Source: Seed Quest


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