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Ceradis' CeraMax biological seed treatment earns WinField United BioVerified™ designationqrcode

Mar. 26, 2024

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Mar. 26, 2024


WinField United
United States  United States

image.pngCeradis Crop Protection B.V., a global developer and marketer of environmentally friendly plant nutrition and crop protection solutions, announced that its CeraMax® biological seed treatment has secured a position in WinField® United’s BioVerfied™ program. 

As part of the BioVerified program, growers and retailers can have immediate confidence knowing that CeraMax has received the highest of ratings following thorough evaluation and ‘vetting’ by Winfield United’s technical agronomy division. 

Biological products chosen for BioVerified designation are required to fill a need in the marketplace, offer a differentiated value, and comply with the following four key criteria:

  1. Uniqueness when compared to other available products

  2. Agronomic attributes including known mode of action, performance, and placement

  3. Operational alignment and ease of use with standard farming practices

  4. Economics showing that the product provides a clear return on investment (ROI)

"The collaboration between Ceradis and WinField is a testament to both company’s commitment to the future of biotechnology and a shared goal in delivering effective and environmentally friendly solutions to growers,″ says Jan Stechmann, Vice President of Marketing and Sales. ″CeraMax is what the industry has been asking for while aligning perfectly with WinField United’s BioVerified program.″

CeraMax is a biological seed treatment for the prevention of soil-borne fungal diseases like Rhizoctonia spp and Fusarium virguliforme, the causal agent of Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS). Containing the active ingredient Natamycin, CeraMax empowers the genetic potential of crops to increase early-season vigor for a stronger and more uniform emergence at the start-up of the season.

Registered by the Environmental Protection Agency as a bio-fungicide seed treatment for soybeans, corn, and wheat, CeraMax offers the first-of-its-kind technology with stewardship and seed safety attributes not offered with most synthetic seed treatments. CeraMax also serves as economical alternative to synthetic seed treatments with high return on investment. 

WinField United, which has an established track record for bringing innovations to growers, is marketing and selling CeraMax in soybean-producing areas most impacted by SDS.

For the 2024 season, CeraMax is available through WinField United retailer network and Direct Enterprises, Inc., in Westfield IN.


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