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Corteva Agriscience launches Enversa™ herbicide in the U.S.qrcode

−− Growers can count on Enversa™ herbicide to deliver flexible and lasting weed control in soybean and cotton fields

Feb. 29, 2024

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Feb. 29, 2024

Corteva Agriscience
United States  United States

Acetochlor 33.0%
Crop:Corn,Sorghum,Cotton,Soybean,Peanuts,Sugar beet

Corteva continues its drive to deliver farmer-focused solutions with the launch of Enversa™ herbicide (Active Ingredient: acetochlor). The new versatile solution received U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration in December 2023. Pending state registrations, Enversa herbicide is expected to be available for use on soybeans, cotton, corn, sorghum, peanuts and sugar beets in the 2025 growing season.

″Enversa is a residual herbicide that will handle some of the toughest, hard-to-control broadleaf and grass weeds that farmers face today,″ says Shawna Hubbard, Strategic Marketing Manager, Corteva Agriscience. ″This will be the first soybean and cotton herbicide in Corteva’s portfolio to feature a proprietary encapsulated acetochlor component to help protect plants from emerging weeds.″

The encapsulated acetochlor complements tank-mix partners by allowing Enversa herbicide to move from the leaf surface and drive to the soil, resulting in a residual barrier around the soybean or cotton plant.

In addition to its versatility across crops, Enversa herbicide provides farmers with a wide application window — preplant up to R2 for soybeans and preplant up to first bloom for cotton — to help navigate challenging weather conditions. Enversa herbicide offers easy handling and tank-mix compatibility, particularly with Enlist One® herbicide for Enlist E3® soybeans and Enlist® cotton.

″Enversa is designed to serve farmers by providing high crop tolerance along with the residual weed control they’ve come to expect with Group 15 herbicides as part of their weed control program,″ Hubbard says. 

Enversa herbicide delivers extended weed control for up to four weeks on more than 25 of the toughest broadleaf and grass weeds, including Palmer amaranth and waterhemp. In addition to compatibility with Enlist One herbicide for Enlist E3 soybeans, Enversa herbicide will fit perfectly into a program approach along with other Corteva Agriscience™ soybean herbicides, such as Sonic® and Trivence®.


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