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High pressure from Euschistus Heros can cause losses of BRL 12 billion, warns UPLqrcode

Feb. 19, 2024

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Feb. 19, 2024

UPL has warned Brazilian farmers about the high pressure from Euschistus Heros, better known as the brown soybean bug.

It is one of the pests that causes the most damage to cultivation and is already proving to be one of Brazil’s main phytosanitary enemies of the 2023/2024 crop.

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Euschistus Heros

The brown bug has a length of 1.5 to 2 cm, but it causes severe damage to crops by feeding directly on soybean pods, despite its size.

According to UPL, the losses are significant because the insect's punctures allow pathogens to enter and infect the plants. Losses are estimated at over BRL 12 billion per crop.

The Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) pointed out that the brown bug is present in all agricultural regions of the country and can reduce the productive potential by up to 30% and affect seed quality.

The reason for the increase in pressure from this insect are a warmer-than-normal spring, resulting from the El Niño climatic phenomenon.

Another pressure factor is poorly done weed desiccation, which is a host of this bug, and the fact that pre-emergent soy does not receive insecticides due to drought.

UPL recommended that farmers use the broad-spectrum insecticide Feroce® to control this pest and protect the crop.

"The insecticide has undergone scientific tests that have proven its consistent effectiveness against various insects, including the brown bug. The product has stood out for its extreme shock, which causes rapid pest mortality, resulting in the best cost-benefit in the market," UPL said.

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Leandro Valerim, UPL Brasil's insecticides manager

Leandro Valerim, UPL Brasil's insecticides manager, states: "The premium insecticide Feroce is the best choice for the first application against the soybean bug because it is an innovative product with its unprecedented composition in the Brazilian market and UPL's exclusive formulation technology: Blast Technology."

"Our field teams are ready to guide farmers in the efficient, effective, and safe application of this product and thus help to control the soybean bug," he said in conclusion.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)

Source: AgroNews


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