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FMC launches new combination At-Plant product – Ethos® Elite LFR® insecticide/biofungicideqrcode

−− Premix features an effective insecticide and two FMC-proprietary biofungicide strains for enhanced seedling protection

Nov. 10, 2023

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Nov. 10, 2023

FMC Corporation
United States  United States

image.pngFMC has launched a new insecticide/biofungicide premix crop protection product, Ethos® Elite LFR® insecticide/biofungicide, for the U.S. market in 2024. This solution combines a study-demonstrated and trusted pyrethroid insecticide, bifenthrin, with two FMC-proprietary biological strains, Bacillus velezensis strain RTI301 and Bacillus subtilis strain RTI477, for a broad spectrum of control against early-season diseases and soilborne pests.

Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide has a robust label for use in corn, soybeans, cotton, peanuts, tomatoes, canola and more. It provides protection against key pests including corn rootworm, cutworm, grubs, seedcorn maggot and wireworms. The two novel biofungicide strains aid in suppressing seedling diseases like Fusarium, Phytophthora, Pythium and Rhizoctonia. 

″Getting a crop off to a strong start in the spring is critical to help maximize yield potential,″ says Matthew Pye, biological subject matter expert for FMC U.S. ″Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide provides early protection to create an environment where seedlings can emerge more uniformly and with improved plant vigor. This At-Plant tool can help growers enhance plant and operational performance.″  

New formulation offers compatibility in conventional systems

Formulated with FMC-patented Liquid Fertilizer Ready (LFR) technology, Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide is designed for superior mixing and stability. The LFR technology ensures the solution has uniform suspension in fertilizer for consistent delivery across the acre. Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide is an excellent tank-mixing partner with pop-up fertilizers, liquid starters and water, and is highly compatible with conventional crop protection products, allowing for convenient ease of application in one pass.  

Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide is applied at planting in the furrow with the seed or as a 5- to 7-inch band (T-band) over an open furrow. The labeled use rates range from 3.5-17.1 fl. oz./A. and are dependent on several factors: row spacing and target pest and disease. For more detail on labeled use rates, view the Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide label here.

Unique biofungicides deliver plant physiological benefits

Root feeding from corn rootworm and other soilborne insects can leave seedlings open to disease. With the proprietary biological strains included in this product, growers can implement preventative protection against diseases if insect damage occurs. Additionally, growers can experience crop physiology benefits like healthier root systems, improved plant stands and decreased lodging, all of which can contribute to increased yields.

″Growers using a synthetic-only option for corn rootworm control can see the benefits from the addition of the biological strains that Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide contains, both in terms of soil disease suppression and increased plant vigor,″ Pye says. ″It is a great way to enhance protection and plant physiology development to set crops up for a successful season.″   

Two FMC-proprietary biological strains, Bacillus velezensis strain RTI301and Bacillus subtilis strain RTI477, are the foundation of Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide, providing both biofungicidal and biostimulant activity in crops. Used At-Plant, Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide complements seed treatments by extending protection beyond the critical time when most problematic soil pests and soil pathogens threaten yields. 

Unlike synthetic chemistries, the activity of the biofungicides in Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide builds over time as spores germinate and colonize roots and root hairs to create a defensive barrier to prevent infection from pathogens. This results in an enhanced root system, contributing to the development of healthier crops that can better withstand stressful conditions.   

″At FMC, we are committed to developing new solutions designed to help growers address their evolving pest and disease challenges and protect their yield potential,″ Pye says. ″Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide is the next tool that provides growers with the control and convenience they need to optimize yields and find success.″   

Ethos Elite LFR insecticide/biofungicide will be available on a limited commercial basis for the 2024 crop season with a complete launch in 2025. 

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Source: FMC


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