Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

BASF launches new fungicide Diadem to protect sugar beet in Germanyqrcode

Apr. 26, 2023

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Apr. 26, 2023
Mefentrifluconazole 100 g/l+Fluxapyroxad 50 g/l
Crop:Sugar beet

BASF has launched a very effective new fungicide called Diadem that not only offers comprehensive and reliable disease protection, but also enables active resistance management against various leaf diseases that threaten the sugar beet crop.

Diadem has two new active ingredients in sugar beet, Xemium® and Revysol®.

Sugar beet produces sugar from CO2 and water, delivers high yields, is essential for successful crop rotation, and is grown on almost 400,000 hectares in Germany.

Among the leaf diseases, the most dangerous is Cercospora, which alone can cause up to 50% loss in yield.

In addition to Cercospora, infestation with powdery mildew, rust, and ramularia also leads to crop failures every year. The particularly comprehensive of action and the long-lasting effect of Diadem, with its unique combination of active ingredients, help to combat these diseases. In addition, Diadem offers farmers more flexibility in their work, as the product forms a complete film of active ingredients on the leaf shortly after application and penetrates the leaf quickly. So, it can no longer be washed off, even in the rain.

Another advantage: Diadem has particularly good mixing properties with additional pesticides. The tank mixes show excellent physical properties and the biological effect is not impaired.

The diseases themselves are not the only challenge beet growers face. In addition, there is increasing resistance of the fungi to the few products and active ingredients available. With Diadem, two active ingredients that are new to sugar beet cultivation are now available and are, therefore, reliable and enable safe sugar beet production.

However, using Diadem not only ensures the yield, but also increases the quality. Beets treated with the fungicide also show higher sugar levels.


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