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FMC introduces Altacor EVO insect control, new management solution for lepidopteran pestsqrcode

Aug. 15, 2022

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Aug. 15, 2022
Altacor EVO
Company:FMC Corporation

2022拉美 - 副本侧栏.jpgThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) granted FMC Corporation registration for Altacor eVo insect control powered by Rynaxypyr active (Chlorantraniliprole) in tree nuts (almonds, pistachios and walnuts), citrus, grapes (table and wine), pome fruits (apples and pears) and stone fruits (apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums, plumcots and prunes). Altacor eVo insect control is a highly concentrated formulation of Rynaxypyr active, the industry standard for long residual control of Lepidopteran pests.

Altacor eVo insect control is the foundation solution for Lepidopteran management. When used in accordance with the label, it is effective against Lepidopteran pests including navel orangeworm, codling moth, oriental fruit moth, oblique banded leafroller, katydid nymph, omnivorous leafroller, light brown apple moth and more, including ovi-larvicidal, larvicidal and adult activity. It also has a little to no negative impact on beneficials and does not flare secondary pests or mites.

Growers and retailers can store more product with the convenient packaging and handle less with the enhanced product concentration. Altacor eVo insect control is better aligned with applicator tank sizes in 18- or 45-ounce packs to support accurate product measurement in the field, orchard or vineyard.

"Using less packaging means growers will spend less time handling the product. This resonates as growers making these applications put a significant amount of time and effort into product handling and measuring," states Eric Castner, regional technical service manager for FMC. "Also, we intentionally created a container size better suited to how growers operate and structure their use rates. The reason: to encourage full use rates to reduce the chance of resistance development."

Altacor eVo insect control offers the identical pest spectrum and activity as Altacor insect control powered by Rynaxypyr active, but with twice the active ingredient concentration and a lower use rate. It has a use rate of 2.20 fl. oz./A compared to 4.5 fl. oz./A and can be aerially applied in tree nuts at 10 gallons per acre compared to 30 gallons per acre for Altacor insect control.

"FMC continues to pave the path forward when it comes to enhanced product handling, performance, production and sustainability," Castner says. "Altacor eVo insect control brings a lot of benefits to the table that will be reaped by the grower from an integrated pest management and insect management perspective."


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