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Canada - BASF receives registration for Veltyma Fungicide with new active ingredient Revysolqrcode

−− Veltyma provides broad spectrum control against key leaf diseases on multiple crops including corn, wheat and potatoes, including Group 3 resistant biotypes

Sep. 16, 2021

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Sep. 16, 2021

BASF Canada Inc
Canada  Canada

Pyraclostrobin 200 g/L+Mefentrifluconazole 200 g/L
Crop:Wheat,Corn,Potato,Soybean,Sugar beet
Target:Maize Eye Spot,Rhizoctonia crown rot,Late blight,Physoderma brown spot,小麦壳针孢叶枯病,小麦缺素症,小麦倒伏,小麦黑节病,玉米叶斑病,玉米锈病,牻牛儿苗,高粱根蚜,龙眼酸腐病,瓜褐蝽,柑橘粉虱,黑刺粉虱,Diaphorina citri
Company:BASF Canada Inc

BASF Canada Agricultural Solutions has received registration from Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) for Veltyma™ Fungicide. Veltyma contains the unique active ingredient Revysol® which is the first and only Isopropanol-Azole, a unique chemistry discovered and developed by BASF, that provides broader, stronger, and longer control against various diseases on multiple crops. Veltyma will be available for purchase in the 2022 growing season.

Veltyma is registered for use on multiple crops including corn, potatoes, wheat and soybeans. It provides broad spectrum control against key leaf diseases in corn, including northern corn leaf blight, tar spot, common rust, eyespot and gray leaf spot, along with protection against key foliar diseases in potatoes, such as early blight, black dot and brown spot. In wheat, it provides control against septoria leaf blotch, leaf rust, stripe rust and tan spot.

“We know that farmers need new and innovative solutions to manage issues today, while at the same time, addressing the challenges of tomorrow. We are thrilled to be able to bring Veltyma – with the new active ingredient Revysol – to Canadian growers,” says Trevor Latta, Brand Manager for Corn, Soybean & Horticulture, BASF Canada. “Veltyma provides growers with the best of both worlds: multiple modes of systemic residual activity while delivering proven plant health benefits, including increased growth efficiency and greater yield potential. With the launch of Veltyma, we are setting a new standard of disease control.”

Veltyma contains the active ingredients Pyraclostrobin (Group 11) and Mefentrifluconazole (Group 3) – also known as Revysol. Revysol’s unique molecular structure binds target enzymes more powerfully than other Group 3 products on the market, providing best-in-class performance on a broad spectrum of diseases, including some disease strains that have become resistant to other Group 3 fungicides. It also contains Pyraclostrobin, which provides proven plant health benefits for increased growth efficiency, better management of minor stress, and greater yield potential.

“Our testing has shown that Revysol binds to the target site up to 100 times more powerfully than conventional triazole fungicides, including where target site mutations have developed. This means that Revysol gives growers a highly effective tool to not only protect their crops, but to effectively manage resistances while increasing their yield in a sustainable way,” says Latta.

BASF Agricultural Solutions invests $4 million per day globally in research and development to bring growers the solutions they need to address agronomic challenges. Growers are encouraged to speak with their AgSolutions sales representative to learn more about Veltyma, or check out BASF’s virtual tour platform, InField Innovation Tours, at www.agro.basf.ca/vt/home. To learn more about Veltyma™, please visit www.agsolutions.ca.

Source: BASF Canada


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