In South Africa, more than half of all corn purchased by consumers is genetically modified (GM), according to Monsanto. This will increase as Monsanto starts field trials of its own drought-resistant variety next month. The seeds, prepared in US laboratories, are brought to Monsantos experimental farm near Malelane in Mpumalangaa, South Africa, where they are introduced to hybrid-corn lines, in a process taking more than 2 years.
The drought-tolerant seeds are bred so that the plant is not only able to better tolerate the absence of water, but also to use more efficiently the water they do get. Monsanto calculates that 30% of South African corn is at risk of failure due to drought, the greatest threat to crop failures.
Over 55% of seeds sold to farmers for next season are GM varieties; Monsanto projects a rapid increase to 75%. Following corn trials, the company intends to introduce the drought-tolerant genes into soybeans and cotton, expected to be market-released early next decade.