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Bayer’s Delaro® Complete fungicide granted US federal approvalqrcode

−− The new fungicide offers distinctive chemistries and delivers three modes of action for corn and soybeans

Nov. 20, 2020

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Nov. 20, 2020

Bayer CropScience U.S.
United States  United States

Delaro Complete
Prothioconazole 14.90%+Trifloxystrobin 13.10%+Fluopyram 10.90%

image.pngThe U.S. Crop Protection Product Management team announces that Delaro® Complete fungicide was recently granted federal approval. This marks a key milestone for Bayer to offer growers best-in-class disease control, higher yields and improved plant health.

Delaro Complete is a three “mode of action” product, providing consistent activity for all major corn and soybean diseases under many different environmental conditions. This is Bayer’s first fungicide to offer three modes of action in the U.S., giving Bayer the most recent, best-in-class entrant in the premium fungicide space.

Annually, fungicides are applied to roughly 34 million corn and soybean acres to treat a wide variety of diseases and improve plant health. Over time, some plant diseases have become resistant to certain chemistry classes. Additionally, erratic weather patterns can create field conditions that are a breeding ground for yield reducing plant diseases like Gray Leaf Spot, Northern Corn Leaf Blight in corn, and White Mold, and Frogeye Leaf Spot in soybeans. Growers demand fungicide brands that deliver consistent disease control and improved plant health, resulting in increased yields.

The distinctive chemistry combination of Delaro Complete reliably boosts photosynthesis and increases grain fill, and corn and soybean trials using the product consistently saw an increase in yields versus its predecessors. Healthy corn and soybean plants are better equipped to resist plant diseases and grow stronger corn stalks and broader soybean canopies, allowing plants to withstand environmental pressures for robust growth and yield preservation.

“Delaro Complete is an excellent addition to Bayer’s robust crop protection portfolio,” said Ray Lello, Corn and Soybean Fungicide Product Manager. “From start to finish, gaining approvals has been an unbelievably collaborative effort, and we are tremendously excited to bring this product to market for the 2021 growing season.”

Over the coming weeks, the launch team will continue working to establish approvals state-by-state. Teams are hard at work finalizing launch plans and intend to share more this fall.


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