FMC launches Authority Edge herbicide, a new preplant and preemergence herbicide for the 2020 growing season. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration has been granted for use in soybeans, sunflowers and dry shelled peas, including chickpeas.
Authority Edge herbicide provides two effective sites of action to combat resistant weeds and help preserve the effectiveness of postemergence herbicide technologies. Its optimized low-use-rate liquid formulation of a best-in-class Group 14 herbicide with the newest Group 15 herbicide delivers long-lasting residual control of small-seeded broadleaf weeds and grasses.
Authority Edge herbicide controls a wide spectrum of weeds including waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, pigweed, black nightshade, common lambsquarters, kochia, Russian thistle, morningglories, smartweed, foxtail, barnyardgrass and fall panicum. The new herbicide is effective against ALS, triazine, HPPD, ESPS (glyphosate) and PPO herbicide resistant weed biotypes.
These photos from an Illinois trial show the outstanding waterhemp control delivered by Authority Edge herbicide, 42 days after the preemergence treatment. The soybeans, at right, received a treatment of Authority Edge herbicide followed by Select Max herbicide. The untreated check is shown at left.
“In trials, Authority Edge herbicide has demonstrated better in-season control of driver weeds than competitive products. It is an excellent foundational herbicide,” says Godfrey Lue, FMC herbicide product manager. “The optimized ratio of sulfentrazone to pyroxasulfone in this proprietary herbicide premix offers very strong weed control performance with use rate flexibility to fit with other in-season residual programs growers are using today. In soybeans, Authority Edge herbicide may be followed by Anthem MAXX herbicide, early post, as part of a sequential residual strategy.”
Unmatched residual control
The long residual control of Authority Edge herbicide creates a wider window for timely postemergence control. “Once pigweeds emerge, they can grow 1 to 3 inches in a day. Since all post herbicide programs recommend treatment before pigweeds reach 4 inches tall, a strong soil residual herbicide is essential to maintain maximum control as long as possible. Authority Edge herbicide provides unmatched residual weed control, which importantly helps reduce the selection pressure on post herbicide technologies,” explains Nick Hustedde, FMC technical service manager.
In a 2019 Southern Illinois University soybean trial, Authority Edge herbicide provided 98% control of waterhemp, 42 days after a preemergence treatment, exceeding the length of other treatments. In a 2019 University of Tennessee trial in Jackson, Authority Edge herbicide provided 98% control of Palmer amaranth and 83% control of pitted morningglory 28 days after application, compared to just 71% and 72% control with a competitive standard herbicide.

Authority Edge herbicide delivered superior control of Palmer amaranth (98%) and pitted morningglory (82.5%) compared to 70.5% and 71.8% control, respectively, with Boundary 6.5 EC herbicide. Broadleaf signalgrass control was similar for both herbicides in this University of Tennessee herbicide trial. The red bars indicate Palmer amaranth weed counts per 2 square feet. The strong residual control of Authority Edge herbicide resulted in less than 0.4 weeds/ 2ft.2, compared to 5.5 weeds/ 2ft.2 in the untreated check and 2.7 weeds/2ft.2 in the Boundary 6.5 EC herbicide treatment.
Available in a convenient low-use-rate and easy-to-use liquid formulation, Authority Edge herbicide is labeled for fall and spring preplant and preemergence applications, up to three days after planting. FMC has applied for and anticipates having Authority Edge herbicide available for tank mixing with different products including XtendiMax with VaporGrip Technology, Engenia herbicide, Enlist One herbicide and Enlist Duo herbicides.
Authority Edge herbicide is part of the FMC Freedom Pass Program, which includes Application Innovations, Agronomic Rewards, Product Financing and Product Assurances.