Jan. 6, 2020

Bayer is set to launch a new cotton trait, called ThryvOn technology, in the early 2020s. It specifically targets thrips species and tarnished plant bugs, which could help reduce the need for a foliar insecticide application.
“We believe that once available, this technology system will provide immense value to cotton growers by promoting plant health and helping protect yield potential against pests that, until now, were not able to be managed through a biotech trait,” said Jon Riley, Bayer North America cotton launch lead, in a recent press release.
Pending regulatory approvals, ThryvOn technology will be stacked with Bollgard 3 XtendFlex technologies, providing both insect and weed control. Bayer says the new trait stack will provide the following benefits:
- Season-long protection against feeding damage from thrips and tarnished plant bugs, including Lygus hesperus and Lygus lineolaris species, from built-in traits
- Reduced foliar insecticide applications
- Weed control options with XtendFlex
“We’re excited to move one step closer to commercialization by announcing the name of ThryvOn technology,” said Travis Coffman, cotton trait marketing manager at Bayer, “a name that conveys our desire to help cotton growers thrive everywhere in the face of challenges from tarnished plant bugs and thrips species.”
The company says it will, pending various regulatory approvals and other factors, provide farmers with educational opportunities. This includes academic test plots in the 2020 growing season. Bayer says the insecticide trait is the first of its kind in the cotton industry.
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