Dec. 20, 2019
Solynta and Rwanda Agriculture Board announce the expansion of their collaboration
- Solynta hybrid potato varieties produced from true seeds will be grown in Rwanda in 2020
- Solynta continues to expand its efforts to improve food security in Africa
Solynta, the global leader in the development of hybrid potato and the RAB announced today an exciting expansion in their collaboration. Nutritious potatoes are both a staple and a cash crop in Rwanda and like many African countries Rwanda faces many challenges importing and storing seed tubers. Through collaboration the parties hope to bring the combination of true potato seeds and hybrids to local farmers. True potato seed allows for the replacement of bulky seed tubers with clean, easy to transport and store seed. Instead of using 2,500 kilos of perishable potato-tubers farmers will be able to use only 25 grams of true potato seed to plant the same area. The application of hybrid potato will allow for a much faster breeding process allowing for the introduction of beneficial traits including disease resistance which will result in reduced usage of herbicide and pesticides. The parties collaboration is based on a Memorandum of Understanding designed to promote their mutual interest in providing Rwandan farmers access to hybrid potato seeds.
Hein Kruyt stated that “Solynta is excited to collaborate with RAB to identify the Solynta potato hybrids that will best improve farmer productivity in Rwanda." The agreement between Solynta and RAB reflects the parties desire to promote mutual interests through cooperation, information exchange, seed movement and science-based plant breeding on the basis of equality and mutual benefits. “Collaboration is critical to addressing global challenges to economic and food security. We are excited to be on the forefront of this game changing
innovation and look forward to continuing to work together and build a stronger future for Rwanda and the world.” said Patrick Karangwa – Director General of RAB.
The NL Agricultural Office Rwanda and Uganda played a key role in facilitating the collaboration between Solynta and RAB. The goals of increasing access to technology through public private collaboration to support sustainable agriculture and stable food supply are shared among all the parties.
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