The range of microalgae based biostimulants AgriAlgae® has been distinguished with this international certificate, having demonstrated to the group of evaluating experts its sustainability and the economic profitability it provides to the farmer.
AlgaEnergy has sustainability in its DNA and this fact has been recognized on numerous occasions. The biotechnology company, an international reference in the production and valorization of microalgae, that only a few days ago received the CEPYME Award as the most innovative SME in Spain from the Minister of Economy and Business in office, Nadia Calviño, adds a new recognition to its long list of awards: the 'Solar Impulse - Efficient Solutions' seal. Powered by the 'Solar Impulse Foundation' and the 'World Alliance for Efficient Solutions' - a global alliance that brings together leading global companies, as well as the world's leading public institutions and various NGOs-, this seal seeks to identify and distinguish the 1,000 solutions of the world that contribute to protecting the environment, in addition to providing an economic return to the agents involved.
The initiative, promoted by Bertrand Piccard, a public figure who is President of different foundations and a Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations, has broad institutional support, and was officially launched during the United Nations Convention on Climate Change in Poland, last year (COP24). To date, only 263 solutions worldwide have been worthy of the aforementioned seal, as the evaluation process includes a rigorous analysis to validate the sustainable and profitable nature of each solution, in which various experts with proven experience in the sector corresponded.
In this sense, by obtaining this seal, AlgaEnergy certifies that its range of biostimulants AgriAlgae® provides value in three aspects: environmental, economic and technical feasibility. To obtain it, it has been necessary, on the one hand, to demonstrate the efficiency and economic profitability through numerous field trials carried out by independent R&D centers. This efficiency translates into an increase in crop productivity and an improvement in the qualitative traits of the fruits, benefits that converge in an increase in profitability for the farmer, in comparison with the competition and standard market solutions. On the other hand, it has also been shown that using AgriAlgae® provides significant environmental benefits compared to the usual products on the market, since for every 5 liters of product used by the farmer, the emission of up to 2 kg of CO2into the atmosphere is avoided, which is the amount of this gas that has been used by AlgaEnergy as the main nutrient for the microalgae in its cultivation process. In this way, the farmer contributes, a form of social responsibility, to the mitigation of greenhouse gases, associated with climate change.

Specifically, obtaining the 'Solar Impulse - Efficient Solutions' seal, a distinction that has already been consolidated as a symbol of credibility and quality assurance for products, processes and services, and that also distinguishes the most committed and innovative companies, has as a requirement that the solutions presented contribute, at least, to the achievement of one or more of the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), affordable and sustainable energy (SDG 7), industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and responsible production and consumption (SDG 12).
In this regard, in line with its corporate culture and commitment to sustainability, AlgaEnergy has integrated the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its own business strategy and vision. Not surprisingly, through its activity, AlgaEnergy directly contributes to meeting 11 of the 17 SDGs.