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Insecticide ‘Closer’ will be available soon in Brazil - Interview with Thomas Scott, Corteva's Insecticide Leaderqrcode

Sep. 17, 2019

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Sep. 17, 2019
By Leonardo Gottems, Reporter for AgroPages
Corteva Agriscience recently launched the insecticide, “Closer SC,” which just received commercial approval in Brazil. Formulated from the active technology, “Isoclast (sulfoxaflor),” the product belongs to a new chemical group known as sulfoxamines.
In this exclusive interview with AgroPages, Thomas Scott, Corteva's Insecticide Leader, talked about the differentiated mode of action of the product, which will become an important integrated pest management tool for cotton crops, and is recommended for controlling Aphis gossypii, as well as for resistance management.
Could you please talk more about the release of Closer?
Closer is our new insecticide for controlling aphids (Aphis gossypii) that affect cotton crop, based on the active technology, Isoclast, which is a new chemical group that has a differentiated mode of action. The characteristics and attributes of this product in terms of its usefulness to cotton farmers are very interesting.
The requirements of the aphid control market met by Closer include shock action, a long period of control, selectivity to natural enemies within recommended dosages, and not affecting the balance of mites.
What is one of the main features of this insecticide?
Closer can be applied at a very low dose, because its commercial dosage rating is 60 ml per hectare. Its active ingredient is, therefore, applied at 14 grams per hectare, making it a very potent aphid control product. We believe that we will contribute a lot to this market, which may only have two or three products from different chemical groups other than Closer. We also believe that we have made a product that will help cotton farmers achieve integrated pest management, resistance management and crop control.
When will it be available?
It will be available from November this year, so for the next crop. We recently obtained registration in Brazil but we still have to obtain state registrations, which will only be released in November.
Does Brazil need this new chemical?
This product is already registered in 82 countries. This is a new technology that is available to producers, and this is very important. It is not easy to create a new chemical group with a differentiated mode of action, so this is important for integrated pest management and resistance management.
What are your medium and long-term plans?
We are launching products based on our new technology, including Closer and Expedition, this year. We also have some insecticides lined up for the next few years, but it will depend on the standard registration process.
Source: AgroNews


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