Jun. 10, 2019

The FullPage Rice Cropping Solution released by RiceTec and ADAMA has officially received approval by the Canadian Health Agency’s Feed and Food Divisions for commercial use. This authorization now allows for unrestricted planting of and harvesting of FullPage rice products.
The FullPage Rice Cropping Solution represents a new generation of improved IMI herbicide tolerance in rice seed; improving yields and early-season disease and insect protection. The two primary FullPage products being released for 2020 include: RT7321 FP and RT7521 FP.
Demo fields of FullPage hybrids are already planted throughout the southern rice belt and show a marked improvement in tolerance to IMI herbicides. This improved tolerance reduces the risk of crop response during stressful growing conditions and in overlap situations, as well as increases overall yield. This reduces stress for the grower and improves application, timing and flooding flexibility.
The FullPage Cropping Solution includes the use of Preface (imazethapyr) and Postscript (imazamox) herbicides. Preface tackles troublesome rice weeds such as red, weedy and feral rice and barnyard grass. It combines post-emergence and residual activity. Postscript can be applied post-emergence or post-flood for escapes.
RiceTec and ADAMA provide this total-package weed management system with a supportive team of technical service representatives to make a positive impact on today’s farmers. These representatives are readily available to assist growers in adjusting to this new cropping solution and advising on best practices for use of Preface and Postscript for each farm.
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