Jun. 3, 2019

Farmers will be able to get their hands on seed for planting quicker and more easily following a $2.6 million investment from seed retailer Pacific Seeds.
The company is spending the money on a seed processing line at its Toowoomba processing facility, which could double the throughput through the plant as well as improve once again the quality of the product heading out the factory.
It follows a major upgrade of the company's seed treatment facilities in 2017.
Pacific Seeds is a leading distributor of seeds, particularly in the sorghum, corn and canola sectors, but also with a footprint in wheat, oats and specialty crops.
Processing and warehousing manager at Pac Seeds Angus Rathie said this updated technology will allow the company to meet customer demand better by processing the seed quicker, but also more gently, reducing the risk of seed damage, while new colour sorting technology will weed out unwanted foreign items.
"The new line will make our clean down times more efficient, enabling us to process more varieties of seed than ever before - and given that we work with a whole range of products, including grain sorghum, forage sorghum, canola, wheat and chickpeas, time efficiency is a major priority," said Mr Rathie.
"It will also be much gentler on a variety of seed types."
Pacific Seeds has partnered with GrainTech Engineering, PETKUS Technologies, QA Electrical and Pulford Air and Gas to ensure the success of the processing line replacement and installation.
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