Today, New West Genetics announced that NWG-ELITE®, its high-yielding hemp grain variety, has been submitted for approval under the newly authorized USDA Plant Variety Protection (PVP) program. NWG-ELITE® is currently the only adapted and AOSCA-certified hemp seed variety produced in the U.S.
The rapidly growing hemp industry passed another milestone on April 24, 2019, when the USDA announced that the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Office will begin accepting applications for seed propagated hemp varieties. “PVP delivers an important form of protection commonly granted to other crops. This is a significant step forward for the hemp industry.,” said Heidi Nebel, Managing Member and Chair of the Chemical and Biotechnology Practice Group at McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC. “Our firm was pleased to work with New West Genetics as one of the first companies to take advantage of this protection.”
The U.S. Plant Variety Protection Act, passed in 1970, encourages breeders to invest their effort into the developments of new varieties that are novel, uniform, and stable. If a breeder suspects an infringement on their IP rights, they can bring the case to a civil court and seek compensation under the PVP Act. These rights are also recognized under an international Plant Breeder’s Rights protection system.
New West Genetics CEO, Wendy Mosher, noted “Our company has been at the forefront of protecting our novel genetic inventions, first, by creating a robust utility patent portfolio, and now, by submitting the first application for PVP rights for an AOSCA certified hemp variety.”
With the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, regulations and practices available for traditional crops are being extended to hemp. As this transition occurs, consumers will be able to rely on third-party validation of claims, through PVP and AOSCA certification. “We believe this protection will encourage our industry to focus on ethical business stewardship, truthful claims, and data-based advertising,” said Mosher. “New West Genetics is proud to lead the charge.”
New West Genetics is a global leader in premium hemp seed genetics. New West Genetics combines traditional breeding, modern genomics, and agronomic expertise to create non-GMO, proprietary hemp seed bred for high-yield, sustainable, large-scale production, as well as refined for various market traits.