Hebei Lansheng Biotech Co., Ltd. ShangHai Yuelian Biotech Co., Ltd.

Gowan USA’s Magister® SC miticide got label expansionqrcode

Apr. 22, 2019

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Apr. 22, 2019
Gowan USA recently announce a crop label expansion for its Magister® SC miticide.  Magister® SC is a broad spectrum miticide/insecticide that delivers fast knockdown and control of spider mites (Tetranychidae), Eriophyde mites, pear psylla (Cacopsylla pyricola), control of powdery mildew (labelled crops and species) and suppression on key almond diseases. Magister® SC is also efficacious on certain labelled diseases with its FRAC 39 and has a unique mode of action, thus providing a 2 for 1 benefit of mite control and disease activity on certain crops.
For years, Magister has been trusted by growers to control mites and disease activity in almonds, walnuts, hops, and cherries. The US EPA has now approved registration for use on avocados, bushberries, caneberries, citrus, cucurbits, fruiting vegetables, edible pods, succulent and dried peas, low growing berries, mint, pome fruit, stone fruit and grapes as well.


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